Category Archives: other nuggets

It’s the last Fri-Yay of the year!

Ok, so it’s been a while since I’ve turned out a FriYay post, but I had a good run there for a while. Actually, we’ll go with good-ish. But when I logged into my dashboard this morning to mark some comments as spam, I realized today is Friday. And the last Friday of the year.

Awesome things from this week-ish…

1. I got to have lunch with a couple of old coworkers. One of which moved to California and was home just for the holiday break. It’s always fun to catch up with old friends!

2. Andy started framing part of the wall for my office! Yay!

3. I guess Christmas was technically earlier this week, wasn’t it. That was pretty awesome. Cooking Christmas morning brunch with my dad has definitely become a highlight for me.

4. When we lost power for 5 days, that was less than awesome, but what was so great was all of our friends and family that offered up their homes for showers and hot meals and even places to crash if we needed it. I ended up spending a lot of time at my Dad’s house during that time so I could shower and work.

Photos from the week…

Part of a wall! Operation convert part of the garage into an office/guest room is a go!

We ended up at my Dad’s house on Sunday, the week before Christmas. I snuck this sweet photo.

Julia and I ran a 5k race in 26 degree weather to kick off her birthday. We both ended up with 3rd place in our age brackets. HEYO!

My dad and I making brunch on Christmas morning.

Sweet niece snuggles on Christmas day! I had drool spots on my top the rest of the day, but it was worth it!

I really really love my new coffee mug.

Things I’m looking forward to next week…

1. Tomorrow night we are headed to some friends’ house for dinner. I doubt we’ll stay there to ring in the new year, but it’ll be fun to hang out with them for a while anyway!

2. I leave on Wednesday for a 5 day trip to Texas. It officially kicks of show season for me which means I’ll be gone a week at a time every other week for all of January and half of February. That’s less something I’m looking forward to, and more just something that’s happening.

3. Taking down the rest of the Christmas decorations.

4. Going hiking with my sister, cousin, best friend and her cousin tomorrow morning! We heard that the butte may be closed due to those ice storms we had recently so we need to check on that first. If it’s closed, we may just end up somewhere drinking mimosas. Either option sounds like a winner to me!


Sunday Tired

I’m sure part of it has to do with the whole DST thing but I’m positive it’s mainly because today Lindsey and I drove up to Portland for the PNWBlogger holiday party. Then when I got home it was go-go-go with two kiddos that think it’s an hour later than it really is.

Point is? I’m beat and if it weren’t for making the commitment to myself to do the NaBloPoMo challenge there’s no way I’d be blogging right now. From my phone no less.

I had a great time today with a bunch of other blogging ladies and believe it or not I went through an entire blogging event without taking a single selfie. I feel like that’s breaking some sort of blogger covenant. I will be sharing more when I’m not wanting to check my eyelids for holes. I’ll leave you with a couple of shots from the day and then I’m off to snuggle my sweet Reese to sleep then build a Lego house for a mini dinosaur with Rylee. I’ll see you back here tomorrow.



Currently and such

It’s Thursday! And I’ve now blogged twice in one week! {Working on getting back into the groove here, people}

Not Loving back to school time. My temporary stay at home dad/house husband started back at work this week. You know how kids hate starting back to school? Yea so do a lot of teachers. And their spouses. Me being one of them. I don’t think I’ve done more that 3 loads of laundry since we’ve been home from Hawaii. Yep. Sorry ladies, he’s taken. And since he has to leave for work at 6:30 in the morning, the girls and I are in the process of finding our morning groove all while making it to the end of our driveway by 7:15 AM for Rylee to catch the bus. Since she doesn’t start the bus riding until the week after next we’ve decided to practice this week and next. So far we’re 3/4. Not too shabby.

Cleaning my kitchen every night. There is just something so gratifying about turning off the kitchen light at the end of an evening and knowing my counters are clean and that when I come home from work the next day and need to get started on dinner, I’ll have a nice clean kitchen waiting for me. Plus, a dirty kitchen tends to be my main trigger of anxiety/overwhelming feelings so I’m trying my best to stay on top of that, particularly as we make the transition back to school.

Working a lot lately. A lot. My days are filled to the brim and I’ve been working some weekends recently too. There are some big-huge-amazing things we are on the brink of here. It’s super-exciting to be a part of it, but also exhausting. I’m trying to keep my head above water while maintaining a positive attitude. Sometimes that doesn’t exactly happen. Actually, these last couple of weeks it hasn’t really happened at all. I’m a big ball of fun. Let.Me.Tell.You.

Creating these fantasies in my head of what it would be like if Andy could in fact be a stay-at-home dad. {le sigh…}

Watching my babies grow right before my eyes. Rylee will have her first day of kindergarten next Tuesday. How? And Reese? Oh my. That girl changes daily. We’ve had a bit of a rough go of her going back to day care this week. Each day has been a little better but man…it’s not fun.

Holy moly, this post has been a whole lot of Poor me. Boo-hoo. Womp. Womp. Sad trombone.

I hate the end of summer. Clearly.

Catch ya on the flip side Summer…


Ok. Officially pretty much done complaining about that.

Actually, no promises, but I’ll try anyway.

Since I can’t leave this post on such a lame note…how about a cute photo…that’s my baby pretend feeding my very first baby doll, Tommy. {all together now…”awwwwwww…”}


{And as per the usual, I’m linking up with my girl Lindsey at Ot and Et. Have a blog? Join in would ya!?}






Work hard, play hard. Or something.

Oh Thursday, where did you come from? You sneaky bitch.

As you can probably tell from the lack of, well anything, around these parts that I’ve been a bit…preoccupied lately. Last week was straight up nuts–my birthday Monday, anniversary on Tuesday, then crazy work stuff Wednesday all through the following Monday that had me up late every night and up early every morning.

I spent the weekend in this very fun work-play mish-mash. You see, my company was a sponsor of a big outdoor country music festival. As a sponsor, we had a booth. So I was going to be staying/camping out there in a trailer working throughout the weekend. As a sponsor, we also got tickets for the concerts. I used a set of VIP tickets to treat my very best friend to a “girls weekend” as her birthday present from back in December. Friday, after checking in with the booth, we hung out at the trailer just BS-ing {and drinking} the afternoon away. We went to the concert that night {Carrie Underwood!}. Then I worked literally open to close, 12 hours straight on Saturday. Sunday I worked the morning/early afternoon shift then spent the afternoon hanging out {and possibly drinking some more} before heading in to see Darius Rucker.

Work hard, play hard used to be something I said {and did} quite a bit. But holy moly I think I’m too old for that now. Ok, maybe not too old, but at least very out of practice. I’m just now starting to feel normal again.

But you guys? It was so worth it. Getting to spend some quality, not just at a Thursday lunch date, time with a friend. Not just any friend. My best friend. The one that has been by my side for literally my entire life. Sure, like every friendship, we’ve had our ups and downs, but throughout the years, we know we have each other. No matter what. I know people go their entire lives looking for a friend like that, and I was fortunate enough to find mine the day I was born.


B, I hope you enjoyed your {belated} birthday weekend. I will cherish that time we spent together for a very long time.

The busy season

I really try not to use the word busy to describe my life in a conversation when someone asks how things are going. Because as a family with two young children, two working parents, a dog, two houses and 12+ acres to take care of, that’s just life. Our reality every day. There is always something that is going on or has to be done. I’m sure much like yours. We are a culture of go-go-go.

But it seems like starting around mid-May life gets kicked up one notch further. This year, despite my best efforts to “keep things simple”, is no different. Well, actually that’s a lie…it is different than previous years but not because we have any less going on…in fact this year we have even more going on than years previous.

Because on top of the Mother’s Day, Andy’s birthday, Rylee’s birthday and end of the school year junk like graduation, classroom clean-up and what not we always inevitably deal with, we’re throwing a memorial weekend camping trip with friends into the mix. Then there’s also Andy’s trip to New York for his best friends wedding and we can’t forget about our family trip to Hawaii for my sisters wedding the week after that. Oh yea, and my sister’s shower/bachelorette party.

I was looking at a calendar the other night and we literally have something going on every single weekend until mid July.

On top of the weekends being booked, I’ve got extra work stuff happening after normal work hours that I’ll being doing on some nights during the week.

So right now? I think I can say we’re busy. But at least we get to top it all off with a week in Hawaii, right!?

So yea…if you need me in the next few weeks and I’m not at work or with my family, I’ll be one of two places…either standing outside at 6 AM with a hot cup of coffee watering my flowers trying to relax before the day even begins, or sitting in a corner making to-do lists like a crazy lady making sure we don’t forget to pack our kids along with our pillows for our camping trip.
