Category Archives: fashion police

Fashion Police Friday – Regular Day Edition

Reese is super into skirts and dresses. I remember Rylee going through this stage around the same age too. But Reese is also obsessed with long sleeve shirts… as in, that’s all she ever wants to wear. Even when it’s WAY too hot for them.

Anyway, this particular day was nothing special. Just a regular day. We didn’t have plans to go anywhere. But she insisted on wearing a skirt. Ok then, kid. Go for it.

I think the bunny socks really help pull the outfit together… don’t you?


And one of both girls… for good measure.

Fashion Police Friday – 5.13.16

Oh my sweet, sweet Reesie Bug!

You guys remember that little weekly installment I used to do called “Friday Fashion Police” where I would highlight one of Rylee’s AWESOME outfits from the week? Well my friends, Reese is prime age for picking out her own outfits and figuring out her unique style. I hadn’t been taking photos of it, when my best friend told me I should blog it like I used to do with Rylee. Can you keep a secret? I had nearly forgotten that I use to do that! So anyway, you all can thank Julia for the revival of this!

On this particular day, Reese had been wearing jeans with that sweet little butterfly shirt. But when she decided to tag along with Andy on a few errands, I told her she needed to change out of her jeans because it was too hot out. So she came out of her room in this fantastic ensemble. And she was SO proud of herself.

She is nearly 4 and SO much fun right now. She’s funny, witty as hell, loves to be a helper and when you say, “though she be but little…” she yells back, “I AM FIERCE!”

This child is perfection.

And as a true second born sibling, y’all may remember this skirt from about 5 years ago… seriously… where does time go!?

Fashion Police Friday – Video Edition

WHAT IS THIS!? A video Friday Fashion Police!?

I know folks…we’re gettin’ crazy around here. We’ll say this is an extra special FPF for my birthday.

Yea…that sounds good.

Oh my…My Child? Well, this girl has some mooooves…or something.

Butterfly Shirt: Old Navy
Colorful-Flowered Shorts: Target
Dance Moves: All her own

Fashion Police Friday – Country Girl Edition

You guys…I have 3 {yes THREE!} weeks worth of FPF to choose from today! You’re all in for a treat for the rest of this month!

First of all, I apologize because these photos are actually horrible but someone was not being very helpful in the stand-still-so-I-can-get-a-decent-photo-of-you department.

Gotta love three year olds!

This outfit cracks me up. She decided out of the blue that this Saturday would be a great day to wear her Carhartt coveralls.

You know, very practical for the things we had on our to-do list that day like grocery shopping.

Coveralls: Carhartt {because duh, every country girl needs a pair of Carhartts!}
Grey flowered ruffly sleeved shirt: Old Navy
At least she did get to help Andy on the tractor for as long as her attention span would allow. {10 minutes in case you were wondering}
I would also like to take a moment to note two things: 
1. Look how clean my house looks! (that was the day after our carpets were cleaned) and 
2. Yes, I am letting my kid “play” with a Swiffer duster! 
me = genius! 
Happy Friday Friends!

Fashion Police Friday – July 15, 2011

Oh friends, I do love Summer. Of course for the SUN actually gracing us with its presence and the fresh veggies and all that jazz. But I also love Summer because it means there’s typically good “fashion police” material!

Earlier this week it rained. Wha?? In Oregon? In July? Whatever. I was actually kind of happy because it meant I didn’t have to water my garden.


When I came home from work that night I found this awesome ensemble on the monster.

When I asked her who picked out her clothes she puffed out her chest and proudly declared “ME!”.

When I asked her if I could take a picture because I thought it was so awesome she replied, “Sure! If you want to.”

Blue/White Stripy Sailor Dress: Old Navy
Grey Sweats w/ pink & purple hearts/other shapes: Hanes
Various bracelets: gifts from grandma
Shoes: I believe she wore her pink plaid fake cons.
Clearly she didn’t want the rain to stop her from wearing a dress. 
I love this kid.