This Christmas Photo that didn’t Make the Card.

Yep…it’s true! We gave this photo to all of our family on Christmas morning!

Here’s the rundown:

I’m 11 weeks along.

Feeling pretty good. Nausea, yes, much more so than with Rylee, but for the most part nothing unbearable. And of course I’m tired all the time.

Yes, we will find out what we’re having…sometime near the end of February/beginning of March.

Yes, we will tell you what we’re having.

Yes, we will tell you the name we choose…we haven’t even started talking about it yet!

No, I’m not going to do weekly belly photos/updates. I’m thinking monthly. We’ll see.

And with that? I’m going to stuff my face with food…I don’t know why, but I can’t seem to can’t enough lately.

32 thoughts on “This Christmas Photo that didn’t Make the Card.

  1. dani clark

    AWESOME!!!! Love the run down, thanks……..I would have asked all of those questions! :) Sooo heres my input (because it matters) you WILL have this baby on the 27th………..why?……..simple because that's my birthday!

    1. Lilmissrysmama Post author

      Hahahah, precisely why I gave the run down…because I would have wanted one too! lol I don't know about the 27th though, I'm sure I'll be hoping for earlier as opposed to later come July!! :)

  2. Krista

    Can't wait to follow your pregnancy journey here! And also, how do you feel about moving closer to me? I need a squishy newborn in my life.

    1. Lilmissrysmama Post author

      If you guy want to move to Oregon I happen to have a house I could rent you that's about 70 yards away from mine…just sayin'…there's options. :) But seriously? I'd let you hug on my squishy newborn any time you like.

  3. Gabt H

    One good thing about the age dif being 4 years is that Rylee is probably very independent. Already potty trained, already in a bed, can do many things for herself,etc. She will be your little helper! It will be great! I am almost done having two in diapers lol…..

    1. Lilmissrysmama Post author

      Yes, so true! We originally wanted them about 2 years apart, but, well, life happened and we needed to wait and now I am so glad we did! I've enjoyed this time with just Rylee and like you said, she'll be much more of my little "helper" than another baby.

  4. Sydney

    Congratulations! Andy actually slipped it at lunch last week to John when I was there, and I am so excited I can now talk about it and see your updates! I'm so happy for you guys. :) Such a cute picture by the way!

  5. Angie Matthewson

    Again, YAY! :) I'm so excited for you. I'd actually never seen a pic of Rylee before. She's GORGEOUS & looks so proud. I hope you continue to feel well.
    I'll be following along with great interest. IF (a big IF) I have another, I'd like a 4 year gap. I'm also fooling myself that it will make things much easier. :)
    Good Luck!!! :)

    1. Lilmissrysmama Post author

      Thank you! We originally wanted a 2 year gap, but things out of our control happened and we ended up needing to wait and now I am thankful we did. :) I'm 7 & 4 years younger than both of my sisters and we are best friends, so I'm sure it will all work out! :)

  6. Pingback: Merry Christmas! 2012

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