I swear I didn’t forget about my kid’s birthday this year. Life has just been hectic and such.
Her birthday came and went like a blur. We had our first ever not-at-home party and it was pretty great. We did a bowling party, complete with little plastic bowling trophies for each of the 9 kiddos.
After her friend party we headed home and had the family over for Tacos (of course). All in all a good day and my girl was feeling the love.
As for her 6-year interview? I love doing these things…every year I ask some of the same standard questions, then some Facebook friends chime in with questions they’d like me to ask her.
This is officially the 4th year I’ve done the interview and I think I’m going to go through some of the previous interviews and see how her answers have changed over the years. Don’t worry, I’ll report back.
LIfe has been so crazy that I wasn’t able to get started on the project as early as I would have liked, but I like the way it turned out. She seriously cracks me up. My personal favorites are her answers to what she wants to be when she grows up and what super power she would have.
And at the very end, I started to feel like I have my own personal AT&T “It’s not complicated” commercial.
Basically, Toyota’s 100 Cars for Good program is this: “a Facebook-enabled philanthropy initiative whereby Toyota will give away 100 cars in 100 days to 100 eligible nonprofit charitable organizations.Each day for 100 days, online voters will choose which of five nonprofits will take home a new set of wheels. The organization who receives the most votes at the end of the day takes home a brand new Toyota.”
You guys? This is a seriously awesome program.
The voting started back in May {I know, I’m a little behind the times here, but better late than never, right?}. Every single day a nonprofit is winning a FREE brand.new.car. And while all 500 finalists can’t win a new car, According to Toyota, “To help participating nonprofits with their 100 Cars for Good campaigns – and to help them develop lasting digital marketing and social media skills that are critical to today’s nonprofits – Toyota has provided each finalist with a toolkit that includes a digital video camera, training materials and free online advertising credits. The company is providing social media training support online to the finalists as well.”
I love that Toyota is empowering these groups to help themselves grow.
21 days in, people are loving on animal rescue and youth-based programs. Winners have been from all over then country…Oregon {woot!}, California and Idaho all the way to Florida, Washington DC and New York.
Please, take a minute {actually less than a minute!} to watch this short video Toyota put out about the 100 Cars for Good program. {And I DARE you not to relate to at least one thing you’ve wasted clicks on! Like the facebook sink hole…am I right!?}
How many times are you on Facebook every day? Voting just takes a second…and it really does make a difference.
To vote and learn more: https://apps.facebook.com/carsforgood/
Now…go!…click for good!
Disclosure: I was selected for participation in the TWIN community through a program with Clever Girls Collective. I did not receive any compensation for writing this post, or payment in exchange for participating. The opinions expressed herein are mine, and do not reflect the views of the Toyota.
And what a weekend! I am so exhausted today and my feet hurt so bad from “running” all weekend I’m breaking my own “never wear Birkenstocks when it’s raining” rule and wearing them. And my feet are thanking me for it.
I took Friday off of work to spend with the birthday girl. I tried to get this interview loaded up Friday while she napped but our fabulous country-fied internet said it was going to take 7 hours to upload. {For the record? Once I got to work, it took less that 5 minutes.}
Later on this week I’ll share some pics from Ry’s family party on her birthday, then I’ll write about our sibling hospital tour and wrap things up with a post about Rylee’s Monster Party! {AKA her very first “friend party”}