It’s Thursday! And I’ve now blogged twice in one week! {Working on getting back into the groove here, people}
Not Loving back to school time. My temporary stay at home dad/house husband started back at work this week. You know how kids hate starting back to school? Yea so do a lot of teachers. And their spouses. Me being one of them. I don’t think I’ve done more that 3 loads of laundry since we’ve been home from Hawaii. Yep. Sorry ladies, he’s taken. And since he has to leave for work at 6:30 in the morning, the girls and I are in the process of finding our morning groove all while making it to the end of our driveway by 7:15 AM for Rylee to catch the bus. Since she doesn’t start the bus riding until the week after next we’ve decided to practice this week and next. So far we’re 3/4. Not too shabby.
Cleaning my kitchen every night. There is just something so gratifying about turning off the kitchen light at the end of an evening and knowing my counters are clean and that when I come home from work the next day and need to get started on dinner, I’ll have a nice clean kitchen waiting for me. Plus, a dirty kitchen tends to be my main trigger of anxiety/overwhelming feelings so I’m trying my best to stay on top of that, particularly as we make the transition back to school.
Working a lot lately. A lot. My days are filled to the brim and I’ve been working some weekends recently too. There are some big-huge-amazing things we are on the brink of here. It’s super-exciting to be a part of it, but also exhausting. I’m trying to keep my head above water while maintaining a positive attitude. Sometimes that doesn’t exactly happen. Actually, these last couple of weeks it hasn’t really happened at all. I’m a big ball of fun. Let.Me.Tell.You.
Creating these fantasies in my head of what it would be like if Andy could in fact be a stay-at-home dad. {le sigh…}
Watching my babies grow right before my eyes. Rylee will have her first day of kindergarten next Tuesday. How? And Reese? Oh my. That girl changes daily. We’ve had a bit of a rough go of her going back to day care this week. Each day has been a little better but man…it’s not fun.
Holy moly, this post has been a whole lot of Poor me. Boo-hoo. Womp. Womp. Sad trombone.
I hate the end of summer. Clearly.
Catch ya on the flip side Summer…
Ok. Officially pretty much done complaining about that.
Actually, no promises, but I’ll try anyway.
Since I can’t leave this post on such a lame note…how about a cute photo…that’s my baby pretend feeding my very first baby doll, Tommy. {all together now…”awwwwwww…”}
{And as per the usual, I’m linking up with my girl Lindsey at Ot and Et. Have a blog? Join in would ya!?}
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