Category Archives: working mom

How I wake up each morning…

Monday: Fuuuuuu….how is it time to wake up already!?

Tuesday: Ugh. Tuesday. At least it’s Taco Tuesday.

Wednesday: HOW IS IT ONLY WEDNESDAY!? I am so tired. Why am I always so tired on Wednesdays?

Thursday: Holy crap, it’s Thursday already!? Where has the week gone!?

Friday: Hooray for Friday!!

Saturday: Saturday…glorious Saturday. Welcome back.

Sunday: Woo-hoo I still have all day today too!

I am not even kidding you, these are almost the exact thoughts that happen each morning. The Wednesday to Thursday leap is funny to me, especially considering I’m the one thinking it every week. I know…I don’t get me either. This is the first weekend I haven’t had to work in a while. I’m looking forward to some much needed family time. And laundry time. And clean bed sheets time. And sweeping time. And vacuuming time. And sunshine. Lots of sunshine.


But first? Girls night.


And also? Cheers!


New School Year Transitions

I know what you’re thinking…ugh, here she goes again…complaining about back to school.

And I’d like to tell you you’re wrong. But you’re not. You’re 100% right.

I don’t know what it is about this year, but I swear this is the worst year yet for the back to school transition. I’m having a tough time with it. Not in the “oh my baby is just starting kindergarten, she’s getting so big, where does time go, I think I’ll cry” kind of way. But more of the “holy crap how is it already 6 PM and we are just getting home and Reese only wants to be held and holy crap she’s tired and how am I going to make dinner like this and what time is Andy going to be home” kind of way.

I end every night completely exhausted and I wake up the next morning the same way.


Now we’re talking about signing Rylee up for soccer. Can I tell you a secret? I have purposefully avoided any kind of organized group activity thus far. No gymnastics. No dance. Nothing. Hardly even an official play date with friends. Not because I don’t want my girls to join organized activities, but because with all that we juggle as full-time-plus working parents and property owners, I couldn’t imagine willingly adding one.more.thing. into the mix.

But here we are.

When the flyer about soccer sign-ups was sent home with Rylee last week, I asked her about it. She said she didn’t want to play. I silently cheered and let out a sigh of relief.

But is that really it? No. It’s not.  At this point am I doing her a disservice by just accepting her meh “no” and moving on? All because I selfishly don’t want to have to figure out how soccer practices during the week and weekend games will fit into our already hectic lives? How is she going to know whether or not soccer is her thing if she never even tries it.

{Personally, I don’t think soccer will be her thing. She’s very athletic, and quite quick actually, but not particularly aggressive. I think volleyball or softball or even track will be more her style, but I suppose only time will tell.}

So I’ve made a couple of phone calls. First we’re going to see if her after school care  place is going to put together a team. They did it last year and the kids practice in the after-school hours instead of later in the evening. Of course we’d still have to fit in weekend games, but that’s much more doable. If that doesn’t work out, we’ll likely sign her up for soccer at her elementary school. That will mean evening practices and quite a little more schedule juggling.

Am I ready for all of this? No. Not in the least bit. But if it’s what’s best for Rylee and what she wants, then I guess we’ll make it work.

Looking ahead to our future? I can’t imagine what it’s going to be like once both girls are in school.

I swear I’ve heard from somewhere that it gets easier. So…when exactly is that?


Work hard, play hard. Or something.

Oh Thursday, where did you come from? You sneaky bitch.

As you can probably tell from the lack of, well anything, around these parts that I’ve been a bit…preoccupied lately. Last week was straight up nuts–my birthday Monday, anniversary on Tuesday, then crazy work stuff Wednesday all through the following Monday that had me up late every night and up early every morning.

I spent the weekend in this very fun work-play mish-mash. You see, my company was a sponsor of a big outdoor country music festival. As a sponsor, we had a booth. So I was going to be staying/camping out there in a trailer working throughout the weekend. As a sponsor, we also got tickets for the concerts. I used a set of VIP tickets to treat my very best friend to a “girls weekend” as her birthday present from back in December. Friday, after checking in with the booth, we hung out at the trailer just BS-ing {and drinking} the afternoon away. We went to the concert that night {Carrie Underwood!}. Then I worked literally open to close, 12 hours straight on Saturday. Sunday I worked the morning/early afternoon shift then spent the afternoon hanging out {and possibly drinking some more} before heading in to see Darius Rucker.

Work hard, play hard used to be something I said {and did} quite a bit. But holy moly I think I’m too old for that now. Ok, maybe not too old, but at least very out of practice. I’m just now starting to feel normal again.

But you guys? It was so worth it. Getting to spend some quality, not just at a Thursday lunch date, time with a friend. Not just any friend. My best friend. The one that has been by my side for literally my entire life. Sure, like every friendship, we’ve had our ups and downs, but throughout the years, we know we have each other. No matter what. I know people go their entire lives looking for a friend like that, and I was fortunate enough to find mine the day I was born.


B, I hope you enjoyed your {belated} birthday weekend. I will cherish that time we spent together for a very long time.


When life seems to move 100 miles a minute, it’s hard to slow down.

I guess I should preface that statement. You can break my “life” up into two different categories. Life at home and life at work.

Life at home is moving along swimingly.

Life at work, that’s the one going  100 miles a minute. Things are…busy. Busy is great. R&D on new flavors. Tradeshow & event planning. Social Media. Packaging development. PR opportunities. And so much more. All things I love.

With all these things comes noise. Every day in my office my senses are bombarded like nothing I’ve ever experienced in my professional life. The aroma of cinnamon or caramel day in and day out. The sound of coworkers on sales calls. The sound of (sometimes heated) meetings. Stacks of magazines and files and papers I need to review pile up around me. Two different computers I find myself toggling between multiple times a day. The buzz of my phone’s intercom telling me I have a call.

There’s times I’m just unable to focus.

There’s times not even my headphones can drown it all out. I just want to shut my door. Turn my phone to do not disturb. Shove all the paper piles into the trash.

I’m the kind of girl that needs silence…alone time…some sort of tranquility at least every once in a while.

Lately it’s been so hard to find.

Until today. I went into the lunch room, as I so often do. But today, it was empty. The lights were off. I shut the door so the odor of my leftovers heating in the microwave didn’t permeate the rest of the office. Instead of heading back to my desk after my lunch was warmed, I turned toward the long cafeteria style table in the center of the room and decided to sit down.

I ate lunch by myself. In the dimly lit room. And in complete silence.

Such a stark contrast to what fills my time while at work.

The silence was almost deafening. And it was beautiful. And refreshing.

And leaving me ready to tackle the rest of my day.

Work wins so you get a 10 minute update

Work is busy. I’m home with a sick kid (yes, again). So I’m left juggling a sick kid and the work I brought home. I’m tired, you guys.

Hawaii is 17 days away and calling my name.

Anyway, my point is this, I’ve got 5 half completed posts sitting in my drafts. I’m sure I’ll get to them eventually but for now, you get 10 minutes of my time:

Our weekend was awesome. It included an impromptu movie night on our front lawn…just Rylee & me. The movie was really stupid but that didn’t even matter. Followed by a slumber party in her room.


It included being silly with my girl. Sucked that Andy was sick, but I really loved this time alone with Rylee.

It included goat feeding and a picnic and an ice cream cone and fresh strawberries and lots of sunshine.


The weekend was great. I didn’t want it to end.

Reese is sick now. Croupy nasty cough and just generally miserable. Someone told me today “at least you get a day off!” Ha. HAHAHAHA! Trust me, I’d much rather A) my child be healthy and B) be at work and not falling further and further behind because I feel like I’m just treading water right now and at any minute I could get pulled under.

Rylee has her “Pre-School Graduation” in a few days. Don’t know what else to say about that…it’s kind of leaving me speechless. Andy can’t go to it because it’s at 9:30 in the morning…that REALLLLLLY sucks.

School is out at the end of this week. He needs it. I need it. The girls need it.  This year has been particularly rough. SO ready for Summer break.

Oh, and I can’t forget…my big girl has upgraded to a BOOSTER! Can’t believe how fast she is growing.


DING! Ten minutes is up.