So I missed last week… that’s why I can never commit to these sorts of things. Par for the course.
Last week I spent Sunday – LATE Thursday on my trip to Texas. Friday I spent working most of the day, then when Rylee got home from her last day of school for the year I hung out with the fam the rest of the day. Then the weekend we had a Tball tourney and Father’s Day.
Awesome things from that week:
1. Super productive time in Texas. I am SO stoked for this new job.
2. The food in Texas. Oh my gosh the food. Tex Mex, BBQ, fried chicken… it was all so delicious!
3. Rylee’s team got 3rd in the tournament!
Photos from that week:
FaceTime with the circus is always entertaining.
TEXAS! This cookie so so dang good.
Rylee and her trophy!
Awesome things from this week…
1. This work week went by really really fast. I guess that happens when you’re stoked about your work and you’re nice and busy.
2. I got to catch up with some old coworkers for lunch.
3. The girls started swimming lessons.
4. I knocked 42 seconds of my mile!
5. After unintentionally taking the entire week off of working out while I was in Texas, I was happy with how committed and motivated I was to get back at it when I got home.
6. I’ve been starting work at 6 AM to be in line with my counterparts at HQ in Texas. It’s been pretty awesome because a) I’m always up by that time anyway and b) I’m done working at like 3:30 each day giving me more with to spend with the family!
Photos from this week…
Day 1 of swimming! This one is pretty sweet story… we got there 10-15 minutes early and Reese was watching the same lessons that she would be starting. She was all excited about it but when she saw the kiddos bobbing under water, she got kinda quiet and then reached for Rylee’s hand.
I don’t normally take pics like this, but I was doing the fit tests for the fitness challenge I’m doing.
Rylee did my workout with me yesterday. I LOVE that she’s into fitness!
Summers are for after dinner walks to the back of the property!
Oh this girl… she woke up at 5:15 Am “wide awake, mom!” Then when I told her to climb in bed with me she was passed out within 10 minutes.
Next week I’m looking forward to…
That’s actually a really good question.
1. The girls and I are running in our first 5k race tomorrow with Auntie Julia and Auntie Kelli! We also have some friends doing the race too. Andy and the other dad are planning on tailgating the event and making breakfast burritos for us when we’re done with the race!
2. Getting back to my regularly scheduled lunches with my bestest.
Love reading your updates! Looks like things are going great for you!