How I wake up each morning…

Monday: Fuuuuuu….how is it time to wake up already!?

Tuesday: Ugh. Tuesday. At least it’s Taco Tuesday.

Wednesday: HOW IS IT ONLY WEDNESDAY!? I am so tired. Why am I always so tired on Wednesdays?

Thursday: Holy crap, it’s Thursday already!? Where has the week gone!?

Friday: Hooray for Friday!!

Saturday: Saturday…glorious Saturday. Welcome back.

Sunday: Woo-hoo I still have all day today too!

I am not even kidding you, these are almost the exact thoughts that happen each morning. The Wednesday to Thursday leap is funny to me, especially considering I’m the one thinking it every week. I know…I don’t get me either. This is the first weekend I haven’t had to work in a while. I’m looking forward to some much needed family time. And laundry time. And clean bed sheets time. And sweeping time. And vacuuming time. And sunshine. Lots of sunshine.


But first? Girls night.


And also? Cheers!


One thought on “How I wake up each morning…

  1. Erin

    These are my thoughts, EXACTLY. Ha! Wednesdays are the worst. Then my mood totally shifts on Thursday – almost the weekend, whoo hoo! Weekends are the BEST. And work weeks always just seem one day too long for my liking.


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