NABLOPOMO {Bless you!}

{Just kidding. Though every time I read that word I feel like I’m trying to learn how to speak Spanish.}

I just finished up with a doctor’s appointment…you know the one that every lady’s favorite appointment of the year. If you catch my drift. Anyway, as I was headed to pick up Rylee from school an hour and a half early, I changed my mind and made a detour for home.

And, I didn’t come home to take care of the pile of dishes that overflowing from the sink onto the counter, or put away the stacks of clothes on our love seat, or even fit in a quick work out.

No, I came home to enjoy some quiet and just write.

NaBloPoMo, or National Blog Posting Month, is just that. A month dedicated to blogs. Along with over 1,000 other bloggers, I’m committing to posting in the month of November.

I probably won’t worry about whether or not my post is funny or moving or if my photos are edited to perfection. Heck, by the end of it all, I probably won’t even care if any of you think my posts are interesting. I just want to write more.

If you’re thinking, “Katherine, you be crazy!” I’d be lying if I didn’t say I was thinking the same thing.

But, come hell or high water, I’m doing it.

Are you? If you are, leave me a comment with a link to your blog so I can follow along too!

And, if you’re not, that’s ok…you can help me out! Is there anything about me/the family/etc that you’ve been dying to know/ask? Just leave me a comment or shoot me an email and let me know!

{Seriously…please? I’m pretty sure I’ll be fresh out of ideas by day 6!}

Wish me luck!

3 thoughts on “NABLOPOMO {Bless you!}

  1. Karen @ Time Crafted

    Saw @MamaRiceCake's retweet and came on over ('cause she rocks, so you must too! :>)! Kudos to you for doing NaBloPoMo! I'm not, but took on another writing challenge, NaNoWriMo for the month of November. Think I'd drown in the word pool if I did both. Here's wishing you are happily posting all the way through the 30th! :>


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