The cutest wicked witch you ever did see.

When all the other little girls are fairy princesses, kitty-cats and other pink fro-froo things, there’s my girl in all black, dressed as a witch.

She decided all on her own that she wanted to be a witch for Halloween. Where that request came from is still a mystery to me, but my girl owned it!

Ry’s school was throwing a party in the morning and since Monday’s aren’t one of her normal “school” days, I took the morning off so she could go. She had a blast. They listened to a Halloween story, ate snacks, played outside, then did a costume parade where all the 3 & 4 year olds trick-or-treated the other classrooms up and down the hall. It was cute. And loud. Oh, holy hell was it loud. I’ll tell you what, there is a reason I’m not an early-childood educator.

After the party, I dropped Ry off at her grandma & papa’s house where she spent the afternoon while I went to work {exhausted and with a headache, by the way}. After work I scooped up Ry and we raced home to meet Andy, grab some stuff and hop back in the car and over to the home of one of Ry’s friends from school. They’re best little buddies, those two, so we all had dinner, then did our trick-or-treating together.

Rylee had a great time! I was a little bit concerned since she’s pretty timid and especially considering Disney movies scare the day lights out of her. But, she was a trooper. There were a couple of “spooky” houses, but we just reminded her that it was all pretend and she went right up and got her candy.

As we were walking, she shook her little pumpkin and with a high-pitched voice and giant grin on her face, said “Oh, it’s getting really full!”

Holding my hand when things got “spooky”.

Hittin’ the streets with Daddy!
{Andy dressed up for work and Ry requested he leave his costume on. What a sweet Daddy.}

 Enjoying her one piece of candy for the night from her loot. She chose mini charleston chews. A girl after my own heart.

All-in-all,  Ry not bringing home a SINGLE Butterfinger, we had a tantrum-free night and fun was had by all!

How what your Halloween?


2 thoughts on “The cutest wicked witch you ever did see.

  1. Kelli

    She is the cutest witch I ever did see!
    Charleston Chews! I just had those at my desk. The "Cole" side is coming out in her.


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