A day in the life…or something

So it turns out, a day in my life? Not very exciting. At all. But, I went through the trouble to remember to take the photos so I figured I’d share anyway.


Alarm goes off at 5:20 AM…my first thought: Ugh, already!? I’m the first one to get up, so I shower and start to get ready for work before Ry wakes up.

By this point it’s just before 6:45 Am. Andy’s been gone for at least 15 minutes already. Ry is up and eating breakfast. {The one step in our routine that takes FOR.EV.ER} On the menu this morning is a nutri-grain bar, applesauce and then a bowl of fruit loops. Growing much? Wild Krats on PBS might be her new favorite show. I continue to finish getting ready. Get my lunch together. Make coffee. Eat some breakfast.

Almost at work. We left the house about 7:20 am. I dropped Ry off w/ Grandma and headed to work. Pulled in at 7:59 am.

Most of my morning looks like this. It’s Monday so there’s lots of emails to check and follow up on. Orders to write up. Facebook & website stats to check. I put off most all of my phone calls for the afternoon. I hate returning phone calls.

Lunchtime at my desk {like normal} involves left-over spaghetti and blog reading.

My afternoon pretty much looks like this. A couple of conference calls. Product launch planning for 2012 {T-Minue 60-ish days until launch!}

5 PM {ish} I’m out the door and on my way to pick up the monster. Looks like she had fun with her Grandma today. Silly little girl.

We get home about 6 PM…Andy is already home {this NEVER happens!}. I immediately get started on dinner. Tonight, we’re having homemade hamburger soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. We actually sit down to eat about 7:10 PM. Dinner time is anywhere between 6:45 to sometimes almost 8 PM, it just depends on what time everyone {read: Andy} gets home from work. It’s important to us that we all eat dinner together at the table.

I take care of dinner clean-up tonight and Andy & Ry hang out by the fire {the first fire of the season!} and Andy gets his ass handed to him at Candy Land. I tell you what, that girl is a shark. Other nights if it’s not a board game, it’s a puzzle or books or blocks. We continue this until it’s time to get ready for bed which is normally between 8:15 and 8:45 PM…just depends on how late we end up eating dinner.

Andy is putting Ry to bed tonight {we normally take turns}. It’s now just after 8:30 PM and I’ve got our Monday night shows on and I’m treating myself to a bowl of ice cream while sitting next to the fire because…well, why not.

9:30 PM rolls around and during a commercial I get ready for bed. And, yep, I feel about as awesome and awake as I look. Andy stays up to watch one more show and I’m in bed at 10:15 PM going through my mental to-do list for the next day in my head.

See…I told you it was nothing exciting. Just another Monday.

Today? Well, today is Tuesday which happens to be one of my favorite days of the week. Ry always has a kick-ace day at school, Andy comes home early, it’s Taco Tuesday!, and it’s NCIS night. So many of my favorite things. What’s not to love?

What’s your favorite day of the week?

2 thoughts on “A day in the life…or something

  1. jenlong1981

    as mundane & boring as monday's can be, it will be nice to look back on this day, when ry is older and all over the place & think wow there once was a time that it didn't seem to hectic. :)

    i like seeing the day-to-day of other's. i like sneak peaks into people's lives.

  2. Pingback: A Day in the Life {A girl can dream edition} - Liberating Working Moms

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