Stuff & Things

As I sit here watching Rylee color her Auntie Telli a picture, I’m sipping a nice, hot cut of coffee. I thought I’d take a few minutes to go over some…stuff…and things. {hence the title}

First things first, Rylee just asked me to draw her a gymnast on her paper, so I have a feeling it might take a while to actually get this post written and posted. Really? A gymnast? Oye.


I’ve planned out this coming week’s meals, made up my grocery list and updated the new “What’s for Dinner?” page. Go see.


Y’all know our last name is Rice, right? Ok so, Friday night we had Andy’s mom out to our house for dinner {his dad is out hunting for a few weeks}. I’ve got halibut on the grill and some rice in the microwave {yea, I make rice in the microwave…don’t knock it till you try it} and we’re all hanging out in the kitchen. I swear, it doesn’t matter how BIG of a bowl I use to cook the rice, it always boils over and makes a huge mess in the microwave. So, I glance over and see that happening and I say “Ugh, stupid rice!” and Rylee looks up immediately and says “Hey…I’m not stupid!” I laugh and say “Oh no honey, I wasn’t talking about you” She replies with “Well, which of us is stupid then?” Then we all pretty much died laughing. Then I had to explain to Rylee what I meant because she had no idea why we were laughing.


Yesterday was the opening day of hunting season. I woke up before the birds so I could be at my dad’s house in time to leave his house before 6 AM. While we did see one buck, no shots were taken. If the weather keeps up, next weekend should be a good one! After a long day of taking my rifle for a walk hunting I came home to find that Andy had not only washed, folded & put away laundry, the dishes were done and our bed sheets were changed. THEN he made dinner! Kind of a role reversal, but what the heck did I do to get so lucky!? {Sorry ladies, he’s mine and I’m not giving him up any time soon.}


Ok, now it’s just after 3 PM {got a little side tracked}. We’ve done our grocery shopping, ate lunch, Rylee is napping and I have a bit pot of homemade spaghetti sauce {with tomatoes from my garden} on the stove. I don’t think there will be enough to can, so I’ll probably just freeze what we don’t use for dinner. After Ry wakes up, we’re baking a batch of banana muffins and a few loaves of zucchini bread. If there’s time, we’ll head out to the apple tree and pick some apples for applesauce.


And…last but not least, a new blog that I am loving reading Liberating Working Moms {you may remember my guest post over there} has started a fun “Working with Style” post so I figured I’d play along this week. This series on LWM was inspired by Mandy’s Steppin’ Out posts. I love looking at all the fun outfits people link up over there for their
steppin’ out, but I don’t typically play along because we literally just don’t go out and if feels kinda weird linking up an outfit for work, but for this week, I figured I’d link to both.

Now, for those of you that don’t know, I work in a barn…literally. So, even though it’s technically a “professional office job” most of the time I just wear jeans and shirt to work, because…why not? But, I do actually try to look halfway decent once in a while.  Anyway, here’s my outfit from earlier this week.

Ok, I think that’s all I’ve got for now!

How was your weekend?

11 thoughts on “Stuff & Things

  1. Tracy @ LWM

    So cute! I wish I had the gall to wear heals. I just never got into them, but you make them look good, pairing them with a very comfy outfit. And thanks so much for participating!

    1. Lilmissrysmama Post author

      I don't wear heels very often…most of the time it's flats for me! And, if I were on my feet all day teaching like you there's no way in HELL I'd wear heels to work! :)

  2. Auntie Telli

    So excited to see the picture Ry is coloring for me? It includes a gymnast? She's getting very creative.
    And yes sister, looking GOOD ;)

    Love the comment about rice and Ry saying she's not stupid. Dying right now. So dang funny. I can hear the tone in her voice too.


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