Oh Reese…{School photos gone bad}

We’ve long since established I won’t be winning any mother of the year awards so I don’t really feel that bad for this post. If you can’t laugh at life when things don’t go according to plan, then I kinda feel bad for you.

But I digress…

When I walked in to daycare to drop Reese of the other day the infant teacher said that pictures had come in and Reese’s were on top of the cubbies. Then let out a kind of evil, knowing giggle. I headed to the cubbies, saw the picture and laughed…loudly. She heard me laugh from down the hall and laughed as well.

I mean…I love my kid and I think she’s adorable, but this photo? Oh my crap…it’s awful. It’s hysterically awful. I’m pretty sure if she knew how to flip someone the bird, she would be.


Thinking back, I remember Rylee’s first school photo being bad as well, so when I was talking to the daycare director about it this morning she dug out Ry’s class picture. And so a side-by-side…20131016-144731.jpg

Rylee was almost 2 1/2 in her photo and Reese was 14 months. Apparently it runs in the family no matter what the age. And no, I still can’t stop laughing.

Do you have an epically awful school picture of your kid? You must share.

5 thoughts on “Oh Reese…{School photos gone bad}

  1. Tragic Sandwich

    Baguette always looks morose in her school photos, whether it's from Picture Day or just a snapshot that the teacher took to use for a project. We have one from two Thanksgivings ago that we call "Glum Little Pilgrim."

    We've seen exactly two of these posed shots that look cute–when she was 18 months old, her favorite teacher stood behind the photographer and cajoled her into a hint of a smirky smile. And more recently, we got a snapshot that was clearly taken as someone just off-camera was waving to her; she looks confused but not displeased, and is waving back.


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