
You guys? Hawaii is coming up…quick. According to my countdown app, at the time of publishing this post, we leave in 30 days, 2 hours, 2 minutes and 37 seconds…

Up until this point my “get ready for Hawaii” has looked like this:

Get it? the was nothing. Impressive huh?

Well I guess that’s kind of a lie…my sister, cousin, best friend & I did all decide to do a 30 day squat challenge. That lasted about 9 days for me. Ok less. Whatever.

I’m kind of a procrastinator at heart. When we started the last squat challenge there was more than 2 months until our trip. Pfffft….plenty of time. Well, now here we are 30 days out. It’s time to get cracking!

I’m not looking to lose any weight. I don’t have the time to go to a gym or a trainer to do any “real workouts”. Scratch that, I’m sure I could find the time but I’m not willing to give up the already limited time I have with my kids. And I’m still nursing/pumping which means I want to be careful not to inadvertently hurt my milk supply…and lunchtime workouts are out because a) I’d have to join a gym in order to have access to a shower and b) I don’t like taking too many lunch breaks because of the amount of time I spend pumping.

Long story short? I want some sort of routine that’s quick and “easy”.

Enter my squat-plank-crunch plan.

For the next 30 days I’m going to follow the squat challenge and the AB challenge and throw in a plank-a-day just for fun. You know the ones. You’ve seen them floating around Pinterest, right?

Part of the problem I had with my last squat challenge was that I was constantly forgetting how many I needed to to that day, what was the rest day, etc. This time, since I’m combining 3 challenges in one, I decided to do something that would help me keep track speak to my “must mark things off a list whenever possible” soul. So I wrote out each days’ exercise on a sticky note. Once I’m done with that day’s set, I get the satisfaction of crumpling up a piece of paper and tossing it in the trash. A sense of accomplishment.


As the month goes on, and the exercises get higher in number (for example 220 squats on day ) I’m going to try and keep it interesting by not only doing traditional squats, but throwing in some sumo squats, side squats, squats on a step, etc. I’ll do the same with the crunches. And for my planks, I’ll use my stop watch, hold it for as long as I can, then 30 seconds longer after I want to stop.

I am obviously no exercise expert but I figure, even if I don’t end up even a little bit toned from this it’s done 2 things for me: it’s got me moving, which is more than I can say for my current routine, and it’ll get me back into the habit of working out, which is something I’ll definitely need once I’m done nursing.

Day 1? Check!

Wish me luck!

4 thoughts on “Squat-Crunch-Plank

  1. karey

    That sounds like a great plan! And the pics of you and your friends in AZ showed that you don't need to do anything for Hawaii – just go and enjoy! (But I totally understand wanting to feel "tighter and more fit" before vacation time.)

    And also? You're my hero for how dedicated you are with pumping/working/keeping it all together. I don't know how working moms do it (do you ever sleep!?). You guys rock. Seriously – hero's.

  2. karey

    ps – after reading my comment I realize that I sounded like a total creeper. I'm not. And I'm thankful that you know me "in real life" so you already knew that {this is for anyone else who might wonder…}. ;)

  3. Kelli

    I am doing the same thing too! Especially since I realized it's 30, well now 29 days away. We got this sis :)
    Send me the abs and I will start them with you too!


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