Currently V.3

Oh hello Thursday…fancy meeting you here! My mind is currently cluttered with a big ole list of things to do before our First Annual “Rice Ranch” Easter Egg Hunt for Adults (and kids) {but mostly the adults} so I figured I’d play along with Lindsey and her friend and link up with their “Currently” thing. Enjoy?

Feeling better than I was earlier this week. I still have a lingering sore throat, but I’m able to eat, so I’m not going to complain…too much.

Imagining what life is going to be like once we get our back patio put in later this spring. I cannot wait to have our grill always on our back porch and not have to pull it out of the garage and grill on the driveway. And to enjoy playing or relaxing to a view that’s less of our rental house and more of a grassy field…


Considering getting a pedicure. And also a massage.

Listening to Rylee’s wants/needs more lately. Amazing how a kid actually knows what they need sometimes…novel concept, eh? And, mind blowing, actually listening to them makes for a happier kid. She’s always hungry after school, so was always the battle of “you can have a snack when we get homeifdadisnt on his way home yet”. It madeourevenings miserable and filled with annoying whining that ultimately led me to losing my temper. Now? She gets a snack, dried fruit, maybe a cut up apple or a Z-bar, on the drive home and everyone is happy. By the end of the day, I’m spent, and touched out, but Rylee is in snuggle before bed mode. I’ve been making a conscious effort to put aside my selfishness of just wanting to sit by myself and getting down and letting her sit on my lap, or lay right up against me as we watch some tv. Giving her some one-on-one attention without her baby sister always tugging at my feet or trying to crawl up in the middle of what’s going on seems to be helping make the world a happier place. And also? Less naps…I think we’re coming to an end of naps for my almost 5 year old.

Moving more. We spent nearly all last weekend outside. This is the time of year we’re always on the move and I love it. Theres always stacks upon stacks of projects to be done when you live in the country. I’m really looking forward to being able to do more on the property this spring/summer since i won’t be pregnant or taking care of a newborn. It takes my body a little it to get used to it, but I love spending time outside…weeding a flower bed, hauling firewood or you know…just taking pictures of cows.




One thought on “Currently V.3

  1. otandet

    pedicure and massage date, we need to make this happen.

    the end of naps? omg noooooo! but I like-a your positive attitude and can't wait to get our kids together tomorrow.

    you really took a picture of a cow. <3


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