Tag Archives: free printable

Weekly Meal Planning and a free printable!

I’ve been meal planning now for…I’d say at least 3 or 4 years.

I’m a creature of habit. For a very long time I used the same pad of paper to write out our weekly meal plan, our grocery list as well as my weekend to-do list. Well, that pad of paper ran out a couple of months ago and since then I’ve been struggling with my weekend system. {see what I mean when I say I’m a creature of habit!?}

Sure, I’ve downloaded a couple of meal planning printables I’d found ala Pinterest but none of them really suited my needs. What’s that old saying? If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself? I’m guessing a fellow type-Aer like me made that up.

Anyway, my point is, I put my computer skills to work and created my own weekly meal planner! I used it for the first time this weekend and I love it. It’s got a section for a to-do list. A section for meal planning. And a section for a grocery list. And since I’m a sale shopper and almost never go to just one store I’ve got it broken up for two different lists.

See? Isn’t it pretty?


Anyway, I kind of really love it. So much so, I thought I’d share it with you!

Weekly Menu Planner

Weekend Planner

Download it! Use it! Enjoy! Share with all your meal-planning friends!

If you use it, let me know what you think!

Happy Monday, Friends.