Category Archives: mom fail

Trying to be better.

I can be a really crappy friend. Never intentionally, but it happens. I’ll be wrapping up a lunch date with a friend and end it with, “call ya tomorrow.” Then kids, a job, a husband…you know life, gets in the way and before I know it, it’s been almost a week since I’ve talked to her.

This happens more than I care to admit and while my friend{s} probably understand, it doesn’t make it ok.

To be honest, this happens with more than just my friends. I let it happen with my family too. I know of some women that speak to their mom every single day. While that’s never been the kind of relationship my mother and I have had, we go a while before talking sometimes. Same goes with my dad. And my brother. And my aunts and uncles.

Are you seeing a pattern here?

I get so wrapped up in my day to day life that I forget to take the time {aka: make the time} to maintain/strengthen/nourish the relationships that are so very important to me. And now here I am trying to rebuild those relationships to what they used to be and/or what I would like them to be.

Does this happen to anyone else? I really hope it’s not just me.

Even if it is just me, my point is this…it’s been something on my mind a lot lately and I’m trying to be better about it. I want my loved ones to know that just because I may not to speak to or see them them very often, I’m thinking about them. My life runs off of a continual checklist of wash bottles – pack pump parts – make dinner – bath time – etc – etc -etc. I’ve come up with a list of actual things I can do in order to be successful instead of just saying “yea I’m going to be better about that”, then never following through. The list may seem simple and also completely obvious, but thought I’d share anyway.

Five Tips for Rebuilding Relationships

Call to Check In– While this is potentially the easiest one, this is a big one for me…I can go weeks without talking to a loved one before I even start to wonder when the last time I talked to them was. Sad, I know. So what I’ve started doing is setting a day of the week to call a different loved one. Most of the time it’s on my drive from work to pick up the girls from school, but that doesn’t always work. For example, my dad has a hard time understanding me when I talk to him on my hands free headset, not to mention quite often, he’s not even available during that time of day, so I set myself a reminder to call him later in the evenings after I’ve put Reese down for bed.

Send a note in the mail– Who doesn’t love to get mail in their mailbox…like their real mailbox. Something that’s not a bill. I know I love it, so I’m going to make a better effort to drop a note in the mail every other week or so to various loved ones…particularly the ones I don’t speak with or see very often.

Be Thoughtful– My best friend’s family is all from Minnesota and she’s pretty close to them. She grew up spending a lot of time back there in the summers and even still visits quite often. You could say she holds minnesota close to her heart. So when I saw that Shannon from GlassCast was having a sale on metal stamped states with a heart on the city of your choosing necklaces, I immediately texted my best friend’s mom to find out what city her family was from, then emailed shannon my order. Then I surprised my friend with the necklace the next time I saw her. No, she didn’t have a birthday coming up, there was no holiday. I did something  just because. But it doesn’t always have to cost money…the other night I was able to catch Reese clapping on video and sent it to my sisters via text. Both loved it, it made them smile. Mission accomplished.

Make Standing Date– In my little family, we’ve got our Taco Tuesday tradition…it’s easily our favorite night of the week. There’s never any question, it just happens. I wanted to try and carry this outside of my family unit. My best friend & I have been doing lunch dates for years now. When they happen they’re a highlight of my week. There’s time we go weeks without having one. Naturally over the course of the last couple of months, we’ve been really good about doing them every Thursday. I love it and I’m hellbent on maintaining that. From there, I’m also making a standing rule that at least once every other week I will invite a family member over for dinner.  What can I say? I’m a sucker for routine.

Start a Thing– There’s lots of things my friends & I talk about doing, but we never follow through. The other night I was putting Reese to bed and checked my email to find that my sister shared a pin from pinterest with me about some sort of squat challenge. I was kinda confused and quickly forgot about it. The next morning my best friend tagged me in something on facebook about it and saying that my cousin was in on it too. I figured I better figure out what the heck they were signing me up for! Ha. So, my sister, my best friend, my cousin and I are now doing a month long “squat challenge”. Whether through text or facebook, we’re checking in with each other and encouraging one another on a daily basis. Now we’re no longer just talking about it, but following through and getting better butts in the process.

I realize it’s sad that this no longer comes naturally for me and that I have to make a conscious effort to do something as simple as being a friend, but at this point it is what it is and I’m doing what I can to be the friend/daughter/sister I used to be.

So that’s where I’m starting. What do you think…is there anything else I forgot? Am I biting off more than I can chew? Has anyone else noticed their relationships sliding since having kids?

Unfinished Easter

Growing up, every Easter was the same…there would be Easter decorations set out. Even an Easter tree made with blooming branches of the dogwood tree from our backyard. We dyed eggs a couple days before. My mom made us Easter dresses. My dad bought us all corsages to wear. Easter morning baskets were hid and my dad sent us on a scavenger hunt, complete with rhyming clues to find our goodies. There’d be our dyed eggs, some candy and one or two other age appropriate things. We’d all pile in our car and head to church. After church there would always be a big family dinner.

As long as my childhood memory goes back, that was our Easter. And looking back, I loved them. I loved our family traditions.

My mom had her ish together. Or at least in my eyes she did.

My dad rocked the rhyming clues. Even if he did reuse them every couple of years.

I feel like my Easter this year is still kind of…unfinished.

Even with the best of intentions, we never dyed eggs. And I’m not even kidding, I think this is the first year I’ve never dyed eggs…even through college we’d dye eggs because my brother is 10 years younger than me. Don’t get me wrong, I had every intention of dying eggs with Rylee. I boiled our eggs up on Thursday night with plans for dying on Friday. Then Friday came and Rylee was misbehaving so we opted to dye them on Saturday between our Easter party and going to my uncle’s house for dinner. Then when I was cleaning up from the party I went to pull something out of the refrigerator and the entire bowl of boiled eggs fell and cracked. All 11 of them. In a rush I boiled a few more. But we never had time to dye them. So there we were, left with nearly 20 hard boiled eggs and not a single one of them were dyed for Easter.

I hardly even decorated for the holiday. Rylee set our her little Easter village that my mom gave her last year and other than that, this is was the extent of our decorating…


Easter morning came and the Easter bunny hide some stuffed eggs for Rylee to find and hid the girls’ baskets.

The only photo I managed to get of either of the girls was a blurry iphone pic of Reese.


I found myself getting annoyed that rylee was taking so long to hunt her eggs. Then it was a rush to get ready for church where I put Reese in one of Ry’s baby dresses and Rylee wore one of my favorite dresses of hers that my mom made…then paired it with a blue zip up hoodie and a St. Patrick’s day headband.

Dinner was really good, dessert was fantastic and we spent a ton of time playing outside. All in all it was a great day but we ended the day not even seeing some of our family. To me, that left it…kind of weird.

I want so badly to pass on the family traditions I loved so much as a kid that I hold so close to my heart as an adult.

And yes, I realize we threw an awesome Easter Egg Hunting Party with all of our friends that Rylee will likely remember for years to come. But I just can’t help but feel maybe in my “who cares, this is gonna have to be good enough” attitude, I failed my girls just a little bit.

Maybe I just need to realize that the traditions I loved so much growing up won’t be the same traditions we have for my family. Maybe it will get easier as they get older? As we settle in to our own Easter traditions?

One thing is for sure, no matter what the holiday, my girls will now they are loved and they are important, just like my parents did for me.

Currently V.3

Oh hello Thursday…fancy meeting you here! My mind is currently cluttered with a big ole list of things to do before our First Annual “Rice Ranch” Easter Egg Hunt for Adults (and kids) {but mostly the adults} so I figured I’d play along with Lindsey and her friend and link up with their “Currently” thing. Enjoy?

Feeling better than I was earlier this week. I still have a lingering sore throat, but I’m able to eat, so I’m not going to complain…too much.

Imagining what life is going to be like once we get our back patio put in later this spring. I cannot wait to have our grill always on our back porch and not have to pull it out of the garage and grill on the driveway. And to enjoy playing or relaxing to a view that’s less of our rental house and more of a grassy field…


Considering getting a pedicure. And also a massage.

Listening to Rylee’s wants/needs more lately. Amazing how a kid actually knows what they need sometimes…novel concept, eh? And, mind blowing, actually listening to them makes for a happier kid. She’s always hungry after school, so was always the battle of “you can have a snack when we get homeifdadisnt on his way home yet”. It madeourevenings miserable and filled with annoying whining that ultimately led me to losing my temper. Now? She gets a snack, dried fruit, maybe a cut up apple or a Z-bar, on the drive home and everyone is happy. By the end of the day, I’m spent, and touched out, but Rylee is in snuggle before bed mode. I’ve been making a conscious effort to put aside my selfishness of just wanting to sit by myself and getting down and letting her sit on my lap, or lay right up against me as we watch some tv. Giving her some one-on-one attention without her baby sister always tugging at my feet or trying to crawl up in the middle of what’s going on seems to be helping make the world a happier place. And also? Less naps…I think we’re coming to an end of naps for my almost 5 year old.

Moving more. We spent nearly all last weekend outside. This is the time of year we’re always on the move and I love it. Theres always stacks upon stacks of projects to be done when you live in the country. I’m really looking forward to being able to do more on the property this spring/summer since i won’t be pregnant or taking care of a newborn. It takes my body a little it to get used to it, but I love spending time outside…weeding a flower bed, hauling firewood or you know…just taking pictures of cows.




Pushing Life to the Limits

At 6:10 AM yesterday morning as I’m pouring Rylee some cereal and begging a fussy, hungry Reese for just a few extra seconds of patience so I can pour myself a cup of coffee, Andy looks at me from the living room and says, “Is your mom taking the girls tomorrow?”

And I just turned and looked at him. Total deer in the headlights. “uhhh…”

I totally forgot that Andy worked today. So I also totally forgot to see if my mom could/wanted to take the girls for the day. When I asked her, she told me she was already busy. Commence the semi-freak out and frantic call to my father-in-law to see if they can take the girls last minute. Thankfully they didn’t have plans and he told me he’d be happy to do it.

Phew. Bullet dodged.20121019-094750.jpg

This morning, as I was driving out our front gate, I looked down at the gas gauge to see the needle just about on E. I clicked the “distance to empty”. It showed 26 miles. On the way to work, for the first time in 2+ years since we’ve had the Jeep, the gas light turned on. By the time I finally reached the gas station? 14 miles.

I’ve never pushed it that far.

I don’t like doing that. I don’t like dodging bullets and pushing limits when it comes to my girls and our routines.

But really, I feel like that’s how life has been these last couple of weeks. Sure, I had seen the word “work” written in orange on our monthly calendar for today, but I guess it didn’t compute. Yesterday I saw the gas gauge at a quarter of a tank and told myself I needed to stop and get gas before I picked the girls up, but for some reason, I didn’t. Over the last two weeks between work phone calls during dinner putting out fires, cleaning & painting after long days of work and my trip to NC, our typically stellar communication has completely broken down. Everything has been such a blur. I feel like we’ve just been in survival mode. We’ve hardly seen each other.

Looking ahead, it seems like things should be slowing down a bit. I’m ready to turn off survival mode and for our same old boring routines. No more rushing through dinners and solo parenting. No more pushing life to the limits.

Time to regain control.

I’m looking forward a weekend filled with laughter. With love. With Family. My heart needs it.

Stuff. And things. And photo dump.

I’m busy. So you’re getting a bulleted list today.

  • I’m back at work full time now. It’s weird. But right.
  • Reese has her first day of real-deal daycare today. I know she’s going to be super well cared for, but it was weird leaving her.
  • One of the FULL bottles I took to daycare leaked all over the bag I had all her extra clothes/blankets in for daycare. So, let’s hope she doesn’t want to eat more than usual. I pulled the extra onesie we keep stashed in the car…but it’s a newborn size. My thriving baby is no longer in NB size, so let’s hope she doesn’t need that tomorrow.
  • Losing an entire bottle of pumped breastmilk is kind of devastating.
  • Rylee was so stoked to have her sister with her at school today.
  • I’m wearing a new shirt. Tucked in and with a belt. Weird.
  • I hate renting out our other house. Have I mentioned that before? One of these days we’ll actually get to put some money into the house we live in, right?
  • I’m looking into gym/workout options. It’s time to regain control of my abs.
  • Ry was puking/sick Thursday & Friday of last week. Andy caught some form of whatever bug she had and was pretty much passed out all Saturday afternoon and all day Sunday. He’s still recovering.
  • Reese has slept through the night two nights in a row now. I’m hoping this is a new thing for her.
  • I need to drink more water.
  • I just realized it’s Taco Tuesday!
  • And there’s a new NCIS on tonight.
  • I leave in just over a week for North Carolina…I am so stoked but I already know I’m going to be missing the girls like crazy.
  • I’ve got some ideas of stuff I want to blog about…now I just need to find the time.
  • Holy crap how is it October already!?

Ok. Times up. Now for photos.

I know I posted this one on instagram and facebook already but I just can’t get over it. I cannot stop looking at it.


Bed Head. Footie PJs. Telling me all about her dream.


Someone discovered the fishies.


Today’s outfit.
