Damn Him and His Self Motivation & Common Sense

You guys all know how Type-A I am.

I am a creature of habit…like hardcore.

I do not like change one bit.

So when I get home from work last night and Andy mentions nonchalantly during dinner that he switched around the washer and dryer I sort of freaked my freak.

As soon as dinner was over I went into the laundry room and just stood and stared.

As I assessed the damage, this is what went through my head…

Later that night, when Andy saw what I was doing he got all sorts of fake offended and picked apart my picking…punk.


He also wanted me to be sure I pointed out the following: 
  1. He does about 85% of the laundry in our house.
  2. It took me longer to put together that photo than it did for him to actually move the washer & dryer.
  3. He does most of the laundry.

I suppose maybe I should just shut the hell up and be thankful I have a husband that does the laundry?

But really…where’s the fun in that?

2 thoughts on “Damn Him and His Self Motivation & Common Sense

  1. Beverly Porter

    Haha! I love the pictures!! I so have a way of doing things and it totally screws me up when it gets changed around! Lol, BUT if Justin ever does laundry..I think I'd change my mind!!


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