It’s about this time of year that my social media feeds start filling with “choosing your word” for the year and “thinking big” and “making goals” etc. etc. I’ve never been one for making resolutions, but this year, I figured why the heck not?
1– Limit my coffee to a half a pot a day. Unless I’m super tired. Or unless I have a headache. Or unless work is really busy. Or unless we have a lot going on.
2– Keep up on the girls’ reading logs – Having the one that can actually read, read books to the one that can’t – it counts, right? Two-fer!
3– Send PB&J in school lunches twice a week max – alternatives could include cold hot dogs, waffles & sausage, and leftover mac-n-cheese.
4– Exercise every day. 5 days a week. 3 days a week. Well… more often than I am now. Which is nothing.
5– Cherise every moment! Unless the kids are fighting. Or unless I’m tired. Or unless I’m stressed out.
6– Yell less. Unless the kids are fighting. Or unless I’m stressed out. Or unless we are running late. Or unless the kids aren’t listening.
7– Sleep more. Who am I kidding? That’s one I never have a problem with!
Cheers to a year that’s happy and healthy and to sticking to those resolutions!
Cheers nonetheless!
You crack me up!!! Loved reading this!