Awesome Things this week include…
1. Lunch with B! It had been far too long.
2. The kiddos wrapped up their last week of daycare for the summer.
3. Playtime in the water.
4. Mojitos!
5. Wrapping up work every day between 3:30 & 4 PM. What an awesome schedule for summer!
Fun pics from the week…
Lincoln is often asking for breakfast within minutes of him waking up in the mornings. My current work schedule of starting at 6 AM and having a daily call at 6:30 AM interferes with his morning plans. Luckily for me he’s a pretty patient little man. And also quiet. Clockwise from the upper left we have Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.
Reese before our run on Saturday.
My girls and me. All the heart eyes.
Auntie & Reese. Walking buddies.
Straight iron curls! I’m legit proud of myself for finally figuring this out. Girling is hard, yo.
Fun in the sun! Lincoln is now obsessed with playing in the water!
Next week I’m looking forward to…
1. Spending time with friends for the 4th!
2. Short work week that’s ending in a camping trip with some great friends!
2. Planning our first camping trip as a family of 5!
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Good week!