Currently…Reese at 18 Months

Reesie-bug, last weekend you turned 18 months old. One and a half years you’ve been with our family now. Life is crazy, but that’s status quo these days and you fit right in. In the vein of “life is crazy” your 18 month well-check isn’t for over a month yet. So, instead of that typical update, which I may still do, I thought it’d be fun to do a snap-shot of where you’re at right now.

appreciating pretty much everything. You are so polite…you tell people thank you all the time…especially at meal time when you’re given a bite of something you really love…like a chip. You also say bless you, excuse you and you even say “excuse me” when you burp.

reading the same books over and over again. Right now your two favorites are Eric Carl’s “From Head to Toe” and a book called “I’m a Frog” that’s about a pig that pretends to be a frog and her elephant friend that’s not ok with it.

listening only when you feel like it. You’ve mastered selective hearing and you aren’t even two yet. Bravo? Though there are times you surprise me with choosing to listen…like the other day when I was dropping you off at daycare and we happened to be in the big kid room and you ran over to the lego table and dug right in. I made some comment to you about “You know you’re not supposed to be playing with those” and I figured I’d be ignored. Instead you put the legos back in the tubs and ran over to me with a huge smile on your face.

tasting all of the things. You love almost everything we put in front of you…most recently cous cous. And you even ate some red pepper last night. Some of your favorites are bananas, spaghetti and of course, TACO TUESDAY! When it comes to things you won’t eat, it’s a pretty short list that’s topped off with mac-n-cheese…you crazy kid.

learning at a rate that does not compute with my brain.

noticing EVERYTHING. You are so observant. And you are such a little mimicker. You want to do everything your sister does.

making all sorts of noises. You’ve become a babble-extraordinnaire and I love listening to you and having a “conversation” with you.

watching too much TV. Being a second child is funny that way. When you wake up in the morning you go get the remote and hand it to whomever you think will turn on cartoons for you. You especially love Wild Kratts and Curious George.

organizing a revolution…I’m sure of it. One that starts with waking up every morning at 5:20 a.m., yelling “MAMA!” in the car until I hold your hand and ends with your mother drinking copious amounts of wine or whiskey every night. Just kidding…I don’t drink every night. What your next step in this war is, I’m unsure, but I know all will be revealed soon…you’re just wearing me down.

loving in no particular order: food, Dante, your sister, your binkie, cuddling, brushing your teeth, playing with our ears, ripping toilet paper into tiny pieces and trying to put them in the toilet by sticking them between my legs while I’m peeing and so much more.

embracing anyone who will accept a hug. Despite your fierce nature, you are a cuddle bug and you love “giving loves”. You’re an excellent hug giver and can brighten anyone’s day with just one squeeze.

daring. That’s it. You are so daring. You have no fear, it seems. From climbing to “jumping” there’s nothing you aren’t willing to try. I hope you never lose that spirit.

Little girl, you are fierce. The twinkle in your eye and the crinkle of your nose leaves me constantly wondering what’s going on in that brain of yours.

I know I’ve said it before, but you bring so much joy to our family.

I love you baby girl.


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