Conversations with Rylee

You know what’s kind of fun? Listening to Rylee talk on the phone. Mine and Andy’s parents call to speak with her every now and again. Inevitably, there’s always some point in the conversation where the person on the other line has trouble understanding what she’s saying. Sometimes she gets really irritated. Other times she tries to figure out different words to get her point across. Like tonight, for example.

As she was watching TV while talking to my mom…

“Ew gross…”

“Oh I just saw a skull in water…”

“No. A skull in water”

“A SKULL. IN WA-ter”

“No. A skull…like your face, made out of just bones. And it was in water…you know, like you drink. Only this wasn’t actually something you would drink because that would be gross.”

“Ok. Well I will let ya go.”


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