Reese & Her Groceries

Oh my gosh, this child. Based on the way she stared at us every time we ate, tracking our every bite from plate to mouth, She was probably ready to start solids around month 4.

She’s officially been on solids since a couple days before her 6 months bday. Since then, we’ve recently added in a second feeding, so she eats lunch and dinner with us.

I’ve made most all of her babyfood thus far. {Actually, thats kind of a lie, my sister helped out with that as well and I’ve got a nice stockpile in my freezer courtesy of her garden and food processor. Thanks, Sis!} Since adding in the lunchtime feeding last week, I did buy a few jars just out of sheer ease of packing food for her on the weekdays.

It’s kind of funny to me, I’ve noticed that she’s more of a fan of the homemade stuff than the jarred food. I think it’s a texture thing. She seems to prefer a food that’s a bit more…chunky. Not too chunky, obviously, but it seems like if it were up to her, the straight pureed foods from the jars she could kind of do without.

We started her on avocado, but it seems lately she’s not as much of a fan as she was when we first started this food journey. Right now we’ve got sweet potatoes, squash, pears, the occasional mashed banana and green beans in the rotation. Of course there’s also the barley cereal miked with breast milk.

I’m trying to be better about documenting moments with something other than my iPhone, so I recently took some “real photos” of her chowing down.







This girl seriously makes my heart melt. I can’t help but smile every time I look at her.

Oh and apparently she’s also going to be quite the little ham…no idea where she gets that from.

One thought on “Reese & Her Groceries

  1. Brandy

    Yes. Jarred food is WAY too liquid. I always add cereal to bulk it up. So much mess! The pouches of stage 2 and higher foods are a little better. anything stage 1 is just liquid.


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