The Calm Before the Storm

After last week’s appointment (and Rylee’s Saturday prediction) I was sure we’d be home from the hospital with Baby Sister here by now!

But alas…it’s Monday afternoon and I am still very pregnant. Very.

It’s like this crazy waiting game now. Have I ever mentioned how much I hate anticipation? I’m a planner. So this whole “not quite knowing when it’s going to happen, but it could be any day” thing? Pretty much just sucks.

I left work on Friday in a really good place. Ducks were in a row. I nearly started crying last night when I was setting my alarm last night for work today.

We made the most of our still-a-family-of-three weekend.

Saturday we headed to the movie theater to see Ice Age {whatever number they’re on} in 3D. For free, to boot! I guess every year our financial planner does some family type thing and this year was a free private viewing of Ice Age in 3D, complete with free snacks! So, yea, at 10 AM we were packed in a theater with a bunch of other people and their kids, stocked up on popcorn and candy and soda to watch our first 3D movie. Fun stuff! After the movie, we headed to Red Robin for lunch, which in retrospect, what pretty much a waste of a perfectly good gift card because we were so full from the popcorn we hardly ate our lunches. Oh well. After that was home for naps! Well, Ry & I napped. Andy worked outside…of course. After naps I tried walking the baby out of me…no such luck.

Sunday we had a leisurely morning of cartoons and french toast for breakfast. Then we packed up a picnic and headed to the park across from the grocery store. Ate, played then hit up the store for a few things then headed home for naps again! And yes, again Ry & I napped, Andy worked outside. After Rylee & I woke up we hung out outside with Andy.

Apparently when you’re busy doing family things and napping and not around social media or your phone, friends and family start to wonder if you’re in labor… Weird, huh?

Mostly? It’s just like this… I’m tired, even though I’m sleeping well. My hips hurt. My lower back aches. And pretty much every single thing I’ve eaten since Friday has given me heartburn…I have never had heartburn before. It sucks. I am currently alternating between being very ready to be done and not able to fathom what life will be like with two kids. TWO! KIDS! Rylee snuggle to the MAX right now. And then throw into the mix my crazy hormones with the realization of I’m probably never going to be pregnant again so this will be the last time I feel baby kicks in my belly.

Yea, I’m pretty much a hot mess.

I promise, when things start happening, you will know.

Not in a gross, weird over-sharing kind of way…but more like a hey we’re on our way to the hospital! kind of way.

But for now? We just wait some more…

4 thoughts on “The Calm Before the Storm

  1. Karey

    Oh, I so get it. Unfortunately that doesn't make your situation any more fun and probably just makes you mad (because obviously NO ONE "gets it" exactly)…

    My only thing to say to console you (and it might just freak you out)? When I was preggo with my second I was thinking the same, "Oh my gosh, this is my LAST time being preggo – I need to savor each moment and kick, and hiccup, and EVERYTHING" and then we were surprised with another. AND THEN ANOTHER. ;)

    Hang in there – you're so close to holding her in your arms!!!

    1. Lilmissrysmama Post author

      Thanks Mama! :) And, not gonna lie, I wouldn't be totally opposed to another little surprise but it'll have to take some serious convincing on Andy's part and/or divine intervention! :)

  2. Brandy

    Im having that “this might be the last kick I feel” thing too. Then he socks me in the coot and I about puke. Touché, little dude.


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