Flashback to Myspace: More About Me!

My girl Alicia, from Life with the Ladies, slash one of by favorite ladies on the interwebs tagged me in a little game. And, while I’m not tagging anyone else, because at this point, I swear everyone I would have tagged has been (I’m a little late to the party), I thought it’d be fun to still play along at least a little bit!

And seriously? This totally reminds me of my days on myspace and how I could spend hours filling out those survey question things…and by “could” I mean I did. So, I couldn’t resist.

So first, the rules that I’m not completely following:

  1. Post these rules
  2. Post 11 random things about yourself
  3. Answer the questions set for you in the post you were tagged in
  4. Create 11 new questions for your tagees to answer
  5. Tag them on Twitter, Facebook or your blog

11 Random Things About Me:

1. I’ve broken my elbow, my nose and my ankle (in two places). Not all at once, but when I was younger, I was pretty much an accident waiting to happen.

2. I worked at Cold Stone Creamery for 4+ years. Every year I’d attend the annual Franchisee Meeting in Las Vegas.

3. I graduated high school when I was 16. No, I wasn’t “really smart”, I just started out my Junior year w/ enough credits to be a senior, so I decided to graduate a year early. Coincidentally, I graduated college with my bachelor’s degree when I was 20.

4. I tried boogy-boarding once.

5. I hate shrimp and crab and all things shell fish.

6. I got into a physical fight with my oldest sister with I was in high school.

7. I took horseback riding lessons when I was in the 5th grade.

8. When I was younger, I wanted to marry Randy Travis. My love affair started when I was 5 years old when I first heard his cassette tape while staying a weekend with my cousin.

9. I have this obsession with cracking Andy’s toes. Seriously, it’s kind of a sickness. Whenever he puts his feet on me, or if he’s just resting his feet on the coffee table, I will pop them.

10. I went to Rome for a pilgrimage when I was 16 and even though it sounds cliche, it totally changed my life.

11. Broccoli has been my favorite vegetable since I was a little kid.

Questions I was asked to Answer:

1. Did you have an imaginary friend? What was his/her name? Sort of. I had this friend at day care named Carey Anne. She also happened to be my imaginary friend at home.

2. I’m interviewing you for your dream job- how do you get me to hire you? Clearly, my charm and wit and beauty should do the trick. Clearly.

3. Is there a song that makes you want to cry every time you hear it? I don’t think so. But the summer between my 8th grade and freshman year, my mom’s best friend dies of a brain tumor and at her funeral they played “I will remember you” by Sarah Mclachlan and for years, every time I heard that song I’d start sobbing.

4. What is one personality trait of your partner’s that you wish you had? His patience. That man has the patience of a saint.

5. Go-to website for sure-fire hilarity? http://www.pinterestyouaredrunk.com/

6. What’s your favourite childhood memory of a grandparent? So many. I don’t remember my grandfathers because they both passed away before I was even a toddler, but my grandmothers? They were great…I can’t pick just one favorite memory. But one funny memory? One of my grandma’s used to ALWAYS ask me if I’d had my daily BM. o_O

7. You see a mom at the playground. She’s on her phone while her mouthy kid stuffs sand down his pants and smushes his chewed gum in her purse. What do you tweet about her? Oh man, I have no clue. I’m so not witty about things like this. It’d probably be something obvious like, “Holy crap, just saw a kid stuff sand down his pants while his mom talked on the phone”

8. Describe a moment in the very recent past you wanted to give a self-high-five? I made it through the day last Saturday without taking a nap. Does that count?

9. How long does it take to get from your house to Windsor, Ontario? According to Google Maps: Driving: 39 hours, Walking: 31 days, 19 hours, Bicycle: 9 days, 4 hours

10. Do you remember what you wanted to name your kid when you were younger? Boy name and girl name. Girl: Zoe, Boy: Ira and/or Ezra

11. If you could only dip your vegetables in one thing for the rest of your life, what would you choose? Normally I don’t dip my veggies in anything, but if we’re talking a FOREVER thing? I’d have to say ranch, just so I at least have a back-up.


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