Thanks for pointing that one out, Ry!

If you have a child that’s talking, you’ll know what I mean. If you don’t, trust me…you will.

I’m amazed how kids pick up on things and how, even though they might not know what they are saying, they have impeccable timing. Rylee has been…uhhh…impressing us with this gift of toddlerhood quite a bit lately. These moments are keeping us on our toes and laughing. These moments always seem to be at the expense of someone else…ok, me. She has a knack for pointing out our imperfections in such an innocent way. These ones are pretty mild, but I’m sure as she gets older we’ll be in store for lots more laughs.

There’s never a bad time to laugh so I thought I’d share a few of these moments…

For Rylee’s Birthday, her actual birthday, I picked up one of those giant pieces of cake for the three of us to share after our gourmet taco dinner. Since it wasn’t an actual whole cake, I just put it on a plate, then stuck some candles in it. Then I got us our own bowls for ice cream. So, as we were munching on our cake and ice cream…I had loaded up my fork with a bite of both cake and ice cream. As I ws bringing it up to my mouth Rylee looks at me, puts her spoon down, and goes, “Uhhh…really mommy? Really?!”

Ouch kid.

 I may or may not have this really bad habit of never putting away my clothes. Newsflash: there’s not maybe about it. It’s awful really. I will literally go weeks to even a couple of months before I will actually put my clothes away. Anything that has to be hung up will just be draped over the chair next to my bed. Last night, Andy was in so much pain he pretty much passed out after he put Ry to bed. Since I wasn’t tired, and since I’m starting the 31 Days to Clean project, I figured it’d be a good time to actually put my clothes away. This morning, Ry ended up in our room like she does every morning. As her and I were getting out of bed, she looked over at the empty chair, and with a big {GASP!} “What happened to all your clothes Mommy!?”

Again…ouch kid.

Last week Rylee was doing her business. I was in there, um, supervising? While I was in there I let out a big burp. A few seconds after that, I may have let one go from the other end. Ry looked up at me and gasped, then giggled and pointed out  (loud enough that Daddy started laughing from the kitchen) “Mommy! You just burped out of your mouth and tooted out of your bum!”

Thanks for that on Ry! {I’m just glad we were at home!}

A couple of months ago, Rylee and I decided to hit up our local library for the first time. While we were there she decided she had to go to the bathroom. So, we made our way to the restroom. As we walked in, we also walked into a brick wall of stank. Like, I had to shake my head, stank. It didn’t take long for Rylee to figure it out…with a loud {SNIFF.} {SNIFF!} “Mommy I smell something!!” {SNIFF!} “I smell POOP!”

I about fell over…luckily there was nobody else in there. I might have died right then and there.

I mean really…what else can we do besides laugh? And if we can’t laugh at ourselves, well, I don’t actually know what, but with a toddler, you have to keep a sense of humor. Am I right or am I right?

Ok, spill it…I want to hear some of your stories like this. I know I can’t be the only one!

6 thoughts on “Thanks for pointing that one out, Ry!

  1. Anne C

    I don't have kiddos but when I did volunteer work in high school at a local elementary school a students asked if I had chicken pox. "No, I don't. Why do you want to know?" I said and she replied, "what are all those red dots on your face then?" Later I wished that she would have lot's of acne as a teenager. :) Kid's say the darnedest things. :)

  2. Lilmissrysmama

    I had the same thing happen to me too! I remember going to have lunch with my little brother when he was in elementary school and one of his little friends was like "WHAT'S ALL OVER YOUR FACE!?" I kind of wanted to choke him with mashed potatoes. :)

  3. Carol F

    I had the grandkids overnight a while back…just the two boys and we were in the bathroom all brushing our teeth and saying things like, "Oh yes, have to scrub them white" and "brush brush brush" and "my teeth are white" and so on. Isaiah pops up and says "Grandma's teeth are orange!!" Bah! So I'm halfway through my Crest white strips at this point. I'll post a picture when I get to the end. :)


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