Today I Met the Devil…

You guys? I’m serious. I’m almost sure of it.

The devil is not so cleverly disguised as… spin class.

You think I’m kidding?

Have you even taken a spin class?

Ho-ly crap I feel like I just gave birth. Those tiny little seats are awful. Like, I may need to stop by target on the way home to buy some newborn diapers to stuff with ice to sit on them like the nice nurses taught me to do at the hospital after I had Rylee. Ok, maybe not that extreme, but sitting on a bag of frozen peas may or may not be happening in my house tonight…just sayin’.

I am afraid to pee. It’s going to hurt too bad.

I have never sweat so much Like, maybe I should have taken two showers before returning to work sweat so much.

My legs have never felt that kind of burn. Like, my quads were bright red and my big toes were falling asleep kind of burn.

I have never been more mad at myself for not bringing water to class. Like, it was all I could do not to jump the lady next to me to steal her water. And I may have done it if my legs weren’t burning so bad.

However…all that being said…I have a feeling the devil and I will be meeting again next Wednesday. And many more Wednesdays to come. Because from what I can tell, knee fat hates the devil.

4 thoughts on “Today I Met the Devil…

  1. Krista

    I used to go to spin classes. They sucked so bad, but I loved it. Good for you. Keep it up, you'll be glad you did. Your lady bits might hate you for a while, but eventually they get used to the abuse.

  2. Lilmissrysmama

    Exactly. You get me. It's a good kind of suck. My lady bits are feeling better than I thought they would but when I told Andy that night that it felt like I had just given birth he told me I'm never aloud to take a spin class again. lol


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