Growing up, we did holidays. And we did them right. Halloween was no exception. My ever so crafty mom always made our costumes. I don’t ever remember wearing a purchased costume. Ever. One year, I was a ballerina, then next an orange crayon. I remember the year I was Jasmine from the movie Aladdin. The year after that I was Betty Rubble from the Flinstone’s movie; complete with the sand dollar glued to my blue felt dress. Oh yea, I rocked it. Oh, and do you remember when Troll dolls were all the rage? Yea, I was even one of those. {not one of my finest moments…}
Now, compared to the talent my mom has, I’m pathetic. However, I do try. And so, I give you…the extent of my Halloween Crafty-ness…
Pumpkin “Candle” Holders
I’m not going to lie, I was not creative enough to come up with this idea on my own. I saw the idea in a magazine. Taste of Home, if I remember correctly.
First…gather your supplies:
- Various sizes glass jars. This is a great was to upcycle jelly jars, clear liquor bottles, etc. I also ventured to Goodwill and found some old stemless wine glasses for 50 cents each. SCORE!
- Tissue paper- orange and black {for pumpkins, obv} or even white and black to make ghosts
- Mod Podge
- Paint brush
- Rafia or twine to tie around the top of the jar
Happy Halloween!