It’s BAAaack…Fashion Police Friday: August 20, 2010

I know ya’all have been wondering what happened to the somewhat regular Fashion Police posts. What? You haven’t? Oh, well, I have been! This has got to be one of my favorite parts of Ry growing up…her choosing her own outfit. To be honest, the real reason I didn’t keep up with it thorugh the Summer was because she’s been home with Andy and, well, nearly every day is a fashion police day but I’m not sure if it’s because she picked out her own outfit or her dad did…and I really didn’t want to have to ask!  Sheesh, can you imagine that conversation? So, anyway, without further adeau…it’s back! Enjoy…
This particular day she decided that she’d like to wear pink shorts and a white long sleeve shirt. And, by long sleeve, I actually mean: on a normal 2 year old it would be long sleeved, but on Ry who happened to inherent my “blessing*” of long arms, it’s more 3/4 sleeve. Anyway, she apparently instinctively knew it was cold out this day, because she insisted on wearing socks. They happen to be striped with orange and pink stripes. Awesome. Oh, and let’s not forget the shades! The red, 80’s style shades that came from the $1 section at Target. They really just top off the whole outfit. The only thing I see that’s missing is a fanny pack…
*By blessing I mean in my 26 years of life I have only found 2 real benefits of having super long arms: 1. I can reach things up high and 2. If you bowhunt, longer arms mean longer draw length and a longer draw length means better speed. Faster is always better! I suppose if I would have played basketball or something they may have come in handy for that as well, but I hardly have an ounce of athletic ablility in my body, hence the lack of benefit to me.

2 thoughts on “It’s BAAaack…Fashion Police Friday: August 20, 2010

  1. theresa

    Wait, let me get this straight. You actually let her pick out her own outfits? haa haa! I am way to much of a control freak! It's awful I know, but I just can't do it! When I'm going to be gone, I lay out Ellie's outfits for the number of days I'm gone. I have issues!

    PS. Your daughter is adorable!


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