Taking a lap to the other end of the pool for a minute…

Rylee is getting to the “not a baby” age anymore and people are starting to notice. And, since people have started taking note of Ry’s not-so-baby-isms, the questions have started. “Is Rylee going to be a big sister anytime soon?” “Are you guys planning on having any more kids?” “How long are you guys going to wait until you have another?” and my personal favorite…”Have you guys started trying again?” To which I like to reply: “Not yet, we’re still just practicing!” (actual conversation)

It seems like lately everyone is pregnant, or trying to get pregnant, or just had a kid. And, to tell you the truth…I’m a teency-weency bit jealous. I want another baby so bad that my uterus about starts to ache everytime I see a cute baby. If things would have “gone to plan” I would be popping out a kidlett within the next couple of weeks. Cleary, that plan didn’t happen. And, since hind-sight is 20-20, it’s a very good thing it didn’t. We stopped “trying” right after we got the gut-punch of a lifetime (metaphorical, of course). After the gut-punch, we re-evaluated our lives/finances/etc and decided it would be best to wait another year before we started trying again. “That’s not that bad,” I thought to myself. Then a couple of months after that decision, after further evaluation, we decided it would be best to wait yet another year after that. That will make the kids 4 years apart. “That’s not that bad” turned into, “It’s the smart thing to do”. And “it’s the smart thing” is killing me inside.

This must be one of God’s funny-jokey ways of teaching me patience (I knew I never should have prayed for that!).  On the bright side, I will get 4 years of un-interrupted Rylee time and considering how much I completely adore that little girl (I have a goofy smile on my face/tears in my eyes just thinking about her right now) it could be worse. She makes me more happy than words can describe.

How can you not adore this?

Summary #1: Sometimes it really sucks being responsible.
Summary #2: If I somehow end up preggers in the next year before we officially start trying again, it will be an accident and even though we will more than likely be completely stressed out about money and such, I will secretly be super happy.
Summary #3: My little monster rocks my socks off!

3 thoughts on “Taking a lap to the other end of the pool for a minute…

  1. Krista @ Not Mommy o

    Aww… she's adorable. Good for you for having a plan. I've already starting itching for another one, although C is only 6 months old. So, I must be certifiable. :)

  2. Gaby

    What was the gut punch?!It must be hard to wait…but Rice baby #2 will come at just the right time! I'm itching for another baby, too, but the one I have needs to sleep through the night and be done nursing b4 that should happen! haha

  3. Gaby

    Oh, and my sister and I are 4 years apart and that worked out alright. My mom said she liked having us that far apart b/c she was able to enjoy time with each of us.


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