I suppose we’re doing something right…

I know I have written many-a-posts about our little “monster” and her heading full swing into her “TWO’s”. Tonight, as I was making dinner…something magical happened. Something any parent would be proud of. Something that would make any parent pause for a minute to truly appreciate what had just happened. Something that…well, you get the point, on to the story.

As I said, I was making dinner this evening. I was making nachos, a semi-weekly occurrence in our house. What goes with nachos? Cheese. Cheese happens to be one of Rylee’s very favorites things. We have this sweet little family ritual of giving “tasters” whenever we are shredding cheese to make dinner. Daddy gets a taster, Mama gets a taster, Rylee gets a taster, even Dante gets a taster.

Quick backstory: Ry got the flu last Wednesday night and has not eaten much since then. Over the weekend, Andy started not feeling well and ended up with the flu too. So sick that he didn’t go to work today. Consequently, he hasn’t gone much further than the couch and has not eaten much either.

Ok, so back to the story. While I was shredding cheese for our nachos, Ry ran up to me to get her taster. I gave her one shred of cheese. She instantly asked for another piece. Since she hasn’t eaten much the last few days, I gave her another. As usual, she turned and headed out of the kitchen to commence playtime. What happened next is what made me stop…

She ran out to the living room. Out to her daddy laying sick on the couch. And gave him one of the shreds of cheese.

There was no asking, no persuading, no coercing going on. Andy didn’t even know she had come into the kitchen and I didn’t even realize she hadn’t gobbled down the cheese where she stood. It’s truly the little things that make a parent proud.

2 thoughts on “I suppose we’re doing something right…

  1. Nikki

    awww…I have a little "monster" too LOL..He's 4 and while he can be a handful, he is also such a sweet, thoughtful kid.


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