Category Archives: Full of Awesome

It’s FriYay!

I like to keeps things on the lighter side. Always looking for the best in things. I mean, yes, things are definitely shitty sometimes, but there should be a way to find something good, right? Anyway, I thought it’d be fun to look back on the week and highlight a few of the awesome things that happened. They could be awesomely- awesome or awesomely-ordinary. Maybe even a photo or 5. I’m sure it will just depend on the week. This may or may not be a series that I may or may not post on a weekly basis. We’ll see how it pans out.

Awesome things this week include…

1. I had lunch with some old coworkers. And by coworkers, I really mean family. I love that I’ve been able to stay in touch with them over the years. And every time I walk into that office, it feels like I’m home.

2. Rylee had a tball game last night and instead of the normal 10 kids on the field, only 6 kids showed up. And we won! It was SO awesome to watch those 6 kids try their hardest, play hard the whole game, truly work as a team and come out on top! So proud of all those kiddos!

3. Weekly lunch with my bestest  friend is always a highlight for me.

4. Just had a call with my boss to go over my plan for the content calendar/blog posts. I’ll be leaving this company next Wednesday but I wanted to get them set up with content to run through July. She loved my plan.

And now a few of the random photos I snapped on my phone this week…

They have the whole entire house to play in and yet they choose to hang out in a tiny corner of the kitchen. While I’m trying to cook dinner.

Lincoln is normally up by 5:45 AM yelling “MOM!” from his crib. Thursday morning he did NOT want to get up.

Reese had my phone when we pulled into daycare and snapped this pic of Lincoln. Must still be grumpy from being woken up. Haha.

“Hang on Mom, let me take a picture of myself first.”

Just grabbing a quick bite of pizza before T-ball. In an empty classroom at daycare. Making it work.

Things I’m looking forward to next week include…

1. Weekend grocery shopping with my sister, K2!

2. Dinner and a visit with K1, my BIL and my nephew! My last day of work at my current job means no more weekly trips to Portland and no more weekly visits with them.

3. Rylee’s last Tball game of the regular season before their year-end tournament. My plan is to have my shit together enough to remember my good camera.

4. Kicking off an online fitness challenge on Monday!

5. Lunch with my bestest on Thursday and then lunch with an old boss turned friend on Friday!


Fashion Police Friday – 5.13.16

Oh my sweet, sweet Reesie Bug!

You guys remember that little weekly installment I used to do called “Friday Fashion Police” where I would highlight one of Rylee’s AWESOME outfits from the week? Well my friends, Reese is prime age for picking out her own outfits and figuring out her unique style. I hadn’t been taking photos of it, when my best friend told me I should blog it like I used to do with Rylee. Can you keep a secret? I had nearly forgotten that I use to do that! So anyway, you all can thank Julia for the revival of this!

On this particular day, Reese had been wearing jeans with that sweet little butterfly shirt. But when she decided to tag along with Andy on a few errands, I told her she needed to change out of her jeans because it was too hot out. So she came out of her room in this fantastic ensemble. And she was SO proud of herself.

She is nearly 4 and SO much fun right now. She’s funny, witty as hell, loves to be a helper and when you say, “though she be but little…” she yells back, “I AM FIERCE!”

This child is perfection.

And as a true second born sibling, y’all may remember this skirt from about 5 years ago… seriously… where does time go!?

Thirty is…

…Flossing my teeth more. No, still not daily but anything has got to be better than the few days leading up to a cleaning, right?

…Doing the dishes every night. I hate doing dishes.

…Drinking coffee with less creamer. Turns out I really DO like the taste of coffee.

…Fixing my hair instead of just pulling it back wet. Thank you short cut.

…Guiltlessly Letting go of things, and garbage, I know I don’t have time to worry about. I’m looking at you, drama.

…Embracing and appreciating my close friends, near and far. But wishing the far was also near.

…Being more mindful of what I put into my body. Turns out Brussels sprouts are delicious.

I rang in thirty a few months ago but it was more about being able to throw a big awesome party rather than an actual celebration of my birthday. The dirty thirty white trash bash will live on in infamy– and #KatsWTB on instagram. 

I know some people that make turning thirty this big, monumental, terrible thing. I’m just not that way. I didn’t stress about it. I love growing older. Life is pretty freaking amazing and it’s just going to continue getting better. Why not celebrate that?

Hey thirties, hey. Can’t wait to see what kind of awesome you hold.

And next year? Mark your calendars for the Dirty Thirty White Trash Bash, part DUH.


Yup. Let’s do this. #KatsWTB

A photo posted by Katherine (@3bykat) on


Today is January 2

Today is January 2nd.

Today is my first day back full time from maternity leave.

No, I’m not that sad about it.

Today is my 1-year work anniversary.

Yes, if you’re doing the math right now, I got pregnant literally a week into my new job.

Today is my first official day in my new role.

Yep, I got a promotion.

2014 was pretty rad. I started a brand new job, scared out of my mind. Nothing but good has come from it and looking back I can’t believe I was so nervous. Our family grew by one whole person and filled a void none of us knew existed. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my time home these last few months…more so than I can say for my other two maternity leaves, if I’m being honest. But I’m ready to get back into the swing of things. Back full time, with a new role on top of it, won’t come without challenges but I’m ready.

Today is the real kick-off to 2015. I have a feeling it’s gonna be a good one.



There’s this thing about blogging…where you can go weeks or even months without blogging and don’t feel a twinge of anything about it, but then you decide to write a post or two within a short period of time and all of a sudden the fire is reignited and you want to blog all the time the only problem is you don’t really have any cohesive thoughts to blog about.

That’s where I’m at right this very second. I’ve posted a few times within the last week or so and I don’t want to stop that momentum…if you can even call 3 posts within 2 weeks momentum. I have some things I want to blog about, like how I hate the word “feminism”, interview tips for working moms, my #MapleThread weekend and DUH Reese turning two!…I just don’t necessarily have the time to put complete posts together for any or all of those. I want to…I really really want to.

And I hope I find the time, but for now? Enter “currently”.

My girl Lindsey hosts this with another blogger each and every Thursday. And each week it’s a different set of prompts. A fun way to keep up with what’s going on in a don’t really need to think about it too much sort of way.

Lately we’ve been watching a lot of movies from RedBox. Or should I say, Andy has been watching them and I’ve been falling asleep during them. Oops. The other day I rented the Lego Movie, hearing great amazing things about it. Rylee ended up getting in trouble that evening so she was sent to bed early. I completely lost interest and fell asleep about 10 minutes into it only to wake up at the end to Andy looking at me saying “don’t ever listen to a movie recommendation from whoever told you that was a good movie again.” 

Still searching for a name for this little guy. Much like with Reese we’ve got a couple that we’re throwing around, but aren’t completely convinced yet that we’ve found the one. Last night we were watching the movie Rango and Andy said, “hey let’s name him Rango!” As Rylee enthusiastically agreed I looked at him like he was crazy and he just said, “what? after some of the suggestions you’ve had I don’t think it’s that bad.” 10-ish weeks to figure it out. See also: feel free to leave your boy name suggestions in the comments below.

Missing city league softball. Totally random, I know. But a few of us here at work were talking about it this morning and I got to thinking about the summer that Andy & I put together a team and how much fun it was. I think I’ve convinced our “activities director” that we need to put a team together next summer.

Growing. I can just leave that one as is, right? Ha. If you ask the guy at my work, that’d be totally fine.  Actually, to be honest I’m growing anxious of the summer days dwindling down. I love having Andy home during the summer and the transition of him going back to work pretty much just sucks. I’m not ready for summer to be over, so I’m going to soak up the next 5-6 weeks as much as possible.

Ignoring the bridesmaid dress that’s hanging in my closet. No point in putting it on until I know just how big I’m going to be at my sisters wedding, right? Thank goodness it’s my mom doing the alterations on it so we don’t have to do it way in advance.

And just for fun we’ll wrap up this totally random post with some totally random photos off my phone, because why not?

Like this one of Reese who decided last Monday that she just had to wear a winter hat. Please to be noticing the fact that her ears are not covered…homegirl has to have easy access to those things.


Or this one from my walk on Tuesday morning down my road. Just Dante and me at 6:00 in the morning. The silence was deafening, the sunrise brilliant. And I can’t wait to do it again.