Category Archives: guest

Just solidifying my old lady status

Holy crap I’m exhausted today.

As Brandy would say, “I mommed the shit out of this weekend.”


See? Even wore a total mom outfit…cardi, skinnies & ballet flats.

Andy was busy working outside all weekend {springtime in the country, it’s a beautiful thing.} hauling firewood, working on the tractor and just generally doing some spring cleaning on the property. That meant I was on solo kid duty.

Saturday I was showered and ready before 8 AM…that? never happens. The girls & I were out of the house by 10:30, hitting Target, of course. We did a bit of shopping then headed out to the airport to have lunch at my best friend’s restaurant…she’s working Saturday’s now/again {WOMP}, so I thought maybe she’d like a visit from a couple of cute little girls. {I got multiple compliments on how cute, darling & well behaved my girls are.}



After lunch we headed home and after Reese napped we headed outside.



Sunday the girls and I hit two grocery stores, grabbed doughnuts on the way home then spent a bunch more time outside. While Reese knocked out a 2-ish hour nap I weeded the front flower beds.

There was a mid afternoon bath for Rylee courtesy of the unfortunate placement of her head being directly in line with Reese spitting up.

Then of course there was the general household duties that I attempted to work in there too.

We topped off the weekend with ham, homemade mac-n-cheese, biscuits and veggies.

From sun up to sun down I didn’t stop. Chasing after kids. Holding a needy, teething Reese. Bending. Running. Cooking. Etc. Etc. Etc.

I had my phone tucked away nearly the entire weekend and it was glorious.

But now? I feel old. Like…I didn’t do anything seemingly out of the ordinary, yet here I am on Monday morning completely worn out and physically sore.

And as if it weren’t already completely obvious that I’m the oldest not-even-thirty-year-old on the planet {remember?}, I’ve gone and done it again…Today I’m over on Brandy’s blog ranting about how kids these days are kind of assholes. <–GO READ IT!

Apparently the sun got to me this weekend, because today? COLORED TIGHTS!


Happy Monday Friends!!

Hanging out at Jenni’s place today!

Today I’m over on Jenni’s Blog talking about my breast feeding experiences!

I first met Jenni in June at the Spring PNW Blogger Meet-up. She may be one of the friendliest people on the planet. And also? Maybe a tad bit crazy. She runs like 4 different websites, plans events and oh yea, she’s a mom too. {Ok, maybe my saying she’s crazy is actually just a wee touch of jealousy.} I was so honored that she even thought of me to participate.

I love learning about different experiences from different ladies and no two stories are ever the same. Whether it’s breast or bottle or some combination thereof, I love it when women can stand up proudly and say “This is was worked for my family and I’m owning it!”

Anyway, please, go. Check it out. And while you’re there, click around and read about some of the other ladies she’s featured.

Thanks for letting me participate, Jenni!!

{And yes, for those of you wondering. That is an actual photo of me feeding Reese. And no, I never in a million years would have thought I’d be sharing that on the internet.}

Here & There: PDX Momma

Pdx Momma
Today while I’m working my butt off at a tradeshow (1 more day!!), I’m also over at Jenn’s place taking part in her Woring Momma Guest Series! I’m talking about our day-to-day, my current struggle as a working mom, best & worst parts of being a working mom and all that good stuff. {I may or may not also gush about how I scored in the husband department!}
Please head over there and check it out!
I “met” Jenn through the Pacific Northwest Blogger website. She’s a working mom based out of Portland, she’s a talented photographer and she loves the beavs! I mean really…what’s not to love!?
Anyway, I hope you get a chance to go check it out!

If I only knew what I was in for…

Hey Friends!

I wasn’t blogging back when I was pregnant with Rylee or you probably would have read something like this already.

If you recall, I’m married to a very, very hardworking teacher. Most of the time this is a good thing…Summers off, 2 weeks at Christmas, it’s a mostly fulfilling job. All in all, a good gig that I can’t complain about. Unless we’re talking about baby names…

As we’re rounding the bend of Baby #2, it’s all coming back to me now…

Today I’m guest posting for Alisha while she enjoys her brand new baby boy. Stop on over, check it out and feel free to have a laugh at my expense!

Go…Right NOW! Just click HERE.

photo credit

A Cute Photo and BIG News!

NO…the big news is not that I’m pregnant!

The big news is that today I am guest posting over on Brandee’s blog, Chill Mama Chill!

She’s a first time mama who, after a whole year of maternity leave, is back at work. To help make her life a little easier during this transition, she’s letting some other working mamas take over her blog with their “day in the life” stories.

It’s big news because this is my first-ever guest post!

So, be a dear and go check it out!

Oh Hai Mom!

Also? It’s TACO TUESDAY!!!