Last week, exactly 9 days before Thanksgiving and 41 days before Christmas, Rylee and I were on our drive home when she noticed that things were…different.
There was a Frosty the Snowman scene painted on the window of a convenience store.
She noticed it as we drove by and huffed and snorted and let out a heavy sigh.
I said nothing.
Pretty soon, we could see houses twinkling away, adorned with lights.
She huffed and snorted and sighed again.
This time, I said, “What’s the problem, Ry?”
She huffed and snorted and even “tssk-ed” this time before answering me in a clearly irritated voice, “It’s NOT Christmas time yet! Why do they have snowmans and lights up!?”
And so I say…my work here is done.
I'm not really LOL'ing, but inside I am even LMAO! ;) That's FANTASTIC! I totally feel her. Yes, my tree is up – but that was a treat for my MIL (& a way to kill time with her), but I SO think Thanksgiving needs more props!
bahaha. She is such her mothers daughter. Not going to say I love it because I am totally already listening to Christmas music and counting down the days (11) until I get my REAL Christmas tree! But I have to say sister, you have totally "respected the turkey!"
You've clearly doing a fabulous job raising her!