4 Years. Her Interview.

Four years old…what a trip.

And what a weekend! I am so exhausted today and my feet hurt so bad from “running” all weekend I’m breaking my own “never wear Birkenstocks when it’s raining” rule and wearing them. And my feet are thanking me for it.

I took Friday off of work to spend with the birthday girl. I tried to get this interview loaded up Friday while she napped but our fabulous country-fied internet said it was going to take 7 hours to upload. {For the record? Once I got to work, it took less that 5 minutes.}

Just for the sake of reminiscing, here is last year’s interview. And her two year interview. {The 2-year? I DIE!}

Later on this week I’ll share some pics from Ry’s family party on her birthday, then I’ll write about our sibling hospital tour and wrap things up with a post about Rylee’s Monster Party! {AKA her very first “friend party”}

Happy Monday?

2 thoughts on “4 Years. Her Interview.

  1. Kelli

    My favorite part is how she wants to fly to Costco and that she calls the baby "sister" just like we all call each other. Great post! I

  2. Karey

    Way too cute! She's getting SO grown up (well, you know, for a four year old). ;)

    I love the Canada question head-tilt. So funny! And Costco? ADORBS!


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