Oh hello there third trimester!

Seriously…are you as shocked to read that as I am to say/type it.

How can it be?

This pregnancy has really flown by.

Less than 90 days, folks!

I really don’t have much more to say than that, really. My next appointment is on May 15 and I’ll do my usual pregnancy update then.

For now, I’ll leave you with this…

I’m headed to Chicago next week for work and I’m scared out of my mind I’ll puke on the flight like I did during my second trimester when I went to PA.

I have to go in and get my gestational diabetes screening done this week. Blech.

At times, I feel like my pelvic bone(s) are going to rip in two. No joke, at one point last week as I was getting up from putting Ry to bed, my first step dropped me to the floor and I had to crawl out of Rylee’s bedroom.

My belly button is pretty much well an outie at this point. Yep, the turkey timer has popped, folks.

It’s not all bad things though, promise. I love feeling the kicks and jabs…even when they do hurt! haha. Just like when I was pregnant with Rylee, I really have nothing to complain about…things are going well.

Oh yea, and how about a side by side of me wearing the same shirt 7 weeks apart…

21 weeks vs 28 weeks

BOOM! Hello belly and hello home stretch!

One thought on “Oh hello there third trimester!

  1. rOSY

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